
  • 网络idylls
  1. 意象油画的语言具有如下三个特点:第一,诗画传统。

    The following are three features of imagery oil painting language .

  2. 第二部分,对诗画相通的契合点进行阐释。

    The second part illustrates the fusion of poetry and painting .

  3. 中国古代山水画诗画一律研究

    Study on the Same Principle of Chinese Ancient Landscape Paintings and Poems

  4. 室内设计与建筑设计审美的同异性论诗画融合的美学依据

    The Same and of Difference is Esthetic Judgement between Interior Design Architectural Design

  5. 传统中国画的诗画合一

    Combination of Poem and Painting in Traditional Chinese Painting

  6. 中国古代诗画论探析

    On Appraisal of Poems in Paintings in Ancient China

  7. 中西诗画论之文化基因比较诗中有画辨析

    The Comparison of Cultural Gene On China-West Poetry-Painting Theory

  8. 论中国诗画的尚简精神

    On Advocating Succinct Spirit of Chinese Poems and Pictures

  9. 抗菌药抗菌谱教学中诗画艺术的应用及其效果

    Applying Poetry and Pictures in Antibacterial Spectrum Teaching

  10. 再往下我们分析沈周画面中的另一个因素&诗画结合。

    Further down the screen in our analysis another factor Shen Zhou-Poetry and combination .

  11. 诗画互补是中国艺术魅力生成的重要元素。

    That painting and poetry are mutually complementary makes Chinese art full of charm .

  12. 论中国古代美术批评中的诗画观

    On the Concept of Poem and Painting in Ancient Chinese Criticism of Fine Arts

  13. 用以辟邪的抽象绘画中国油画的诗画意境&意象油画之我见

    The Pome-like Mood in the Chinese Oil Painting & Opinions on the Image Oil Painting

  14. 反对战争争取和平&神秘派诗画诗人布莱克的诗歌简论

    Fight against war and strive for peace

  15. 分析山水诗画意境的同一性与通融性;

    Analysing the identity and correspondence between the mood of landscape poetry and landscape painting ;

  16. 诗画结合是这些研究中众多选题之一,在这个论题中,绘画如何通过本体行为来使作品所传达的意境得到体现,较少被学者们所研究。

    To combine poetry and painting is one of the many topics in these studies .

  17. 绘画手法在诗歌创作中的运用&兼论诗画艺术的协同

    Drawing Techniques Applied in Poetry writing & On combination of arts of both poetry and painting

  18. 就是集山水、诗画、历史长廊于一身的建德富春江。

    It 's a comprehensive gallery of landscape , poetry and history-the Fuchun River near Jiande .

  19. 中国园林在处理时空的问题上,与诗画有相通之处。

    Chinese gardening has something in common with poetry and painting in dealing with time and space .

  20. 异文化的结晶:莱辛与苏轼诗画异同说

    Crystallization of difference cultures : probing into theoretics between poems and paintings of Lessing and Su Shi

  21. 关于诗画关系,古今中外学者已经作了大量的前期研究。

    A large amount of researches had been made to investigate the relationship between poems and paintings .

  22. 在第三、四、五章中,本文将分别从创作理论、题材选取和具体实践三方面来探究其山水诗诗画结合的特点。

    In the following three chapters , we talk about this characteristics from theory , theme and practice respectively .

  23. 诗画不同却平等的两个艺术门类,不存在高下优劣之分。

    Poetry and painting are two different but equal categories of art ; neither is superior to the other .

  24. 人品、诗品、画品&论王冕的人品及其诗画创作

    Moral Quality 、 Poetic Quality 、 Artistic Quality & On Wang Mian 's Moral Quality and Poetic and Artistic Creation

  25. 文章的第三章重点探讨了唐代题画诗对后世诗画的影响。

    The third chapter discusses the influence of poems on paintings of Tang Dynasty on poetry and painting of later ages .

  26. 八大晚年的诗画寄意遥深,情感几近不留痕迹。

    Both his poems and paintings in his later years sent away deep meanings , almost without leaving traces of emotion .

  27. 中国传统诗画观与西方艺术在本质上既相通又同中有异,莱辛说驳不倒中国传统的审美理想“诗中有画”、“画中有诗”。

    The traditional Chinese view of poetry and painting and that of the West shared in some aspects but differed in others .

  28. 本文主要从其与禅宗的关系出发,围绕“韵”、“幻”、“诗画一律”等几个问题进行了探讨。

    This paper study the some issue for example Zen and Yun , Reality and Imaginary , Poem consistent with Painting and so on .

  29. 《怀楼图轴》充分体现出唐寅绘画情景交融、诗画共汇的艺术风格。

    The art style of Tang Yin is represented by " Huailoutu ", in which feelings mingle with scenes and poems mingle with drawings .

  30. 古典主义时期诗画之争与德意志民族艺术理想&莱辛美学思想探析之二

    " The Argument about Poems and Paintings " during Classicism Period and Deutsche National Artistic Ideology & Second Analysis on Lessing 's Aesthetic Thought