
  • 网络Frequent Flyer Program;FFP;frequent flier program
  1. 常旅客计划己成为航空公司竞争的主要手段。

    Now , FFP has already become the main competition means among the airlines .

  2. 航空公司常旅客计划研究

    Study of Airlines FFP

  3. 依照CRM价值链理论对客户价值分析、客户价值认识、价值网络发展、价值方案、客户关系管理以及企业支持系统等六个方面对常旅客计划的CRM应用进行了全面的分析研究。

    It studies CRM value chain of A FFP , including customer value analysis , customer intimacy , network development , value solutions , relationship management and supporting conditions .

  4. 美国航空(AmericanAirlines)在每架航班上锁定了大量经济舱座位,不仅有加长空间座位,也有常规座位,以便提供给常旅客计划中的高级别乘客。

    American Airlines blocks a large number of coach seats , both with extra legroom and without , to make them available to customers with top-level status in its frequent-flier program on every flight .

  5. 基于客户关系管理的航空公司常旅客计划研究

    Research on Frequent Flyer Program of Airlines Based on Customer Relationship Management

  6. 近两年来,常旅客计划已成为航空公司竞争的主要手段。

    Frequent Flyer Plan has been one of main means of airlines competition .

  7. 但常旅客计划的调整也导致乘客更多地购买价格较高的机票。

    But the frequent-flier change has led to more purchases of higher fares . '

  8. 等级较高的常旅客计划会员可以享受升舱,旅途也更为舒适。

    High status brings upgrades and smoother travel .

  9. 金斯伯格在1999年加入西北的“环宇里程优惠计划”常旅客计划,并在2005年达到白金精英的地位。

    Ginsberg joined Northwest 's WorldPerks frequent flier program in1999 and reached Platinum Elite status in2005 .

  10. 我去了香港至少20次,确实应该着手加入个常旅客计划。

    I 've been to Hong Kong at least 20 times . I really should get on that .

  11. 星盟伙伴的常旅客计划是否依旧可以在乘坐上航航班时累积里程,并且用里程兑换上航航班机票?

    Q.Would Star Alliance carriers'FFP members still be able to accrue and redeem miles on Shanghai Airlines flights ?

  12. 上航金鹤俱乐部常旅客计划是否继续存在?是否可以将金鹤俱乐部会员积分转至其他成员公司的常旅客计划账户?会员等级呢?

    Does the Shanghai Airlines FFP continue to function ? Can customers transfer their Crane Club points to another carrier 's FFP ? What about existing status ?

  13. 上海航空公司航空联盟常旅客计划合作研究此外,意航还将加入由法航和美国德尔塔航空公司创建的空中联队航空联盟。

    Research of FFP Cooperation Strategy for Shanghai Airlines in Airline Aliiance ; In addition , Alitalia will also join the " SkyTeam " alliance founded by Air France and US Delta Airlines .

  14. 美国西南航空一名发言人称:“常旅客计划是原因之一,但不是最重要的原因。”他补充称,公司发现,顾客“愿意花更多钱”来获得点数奖励。

    The program is contributing to that but is not the largest driver , ' a Southwest spokesman said . The airline has found customers are ' willing to pay more ' to get points , he added .

  15. “明星之选”是喜达屋集团旗下非常成功的常旅客奖励计划之一,它的会员主要是负责帮其公司及客户预定客房的订房人。

    " Star Choice " is one of the Starwood successful loyalty programs and the members are bookers who are responsible for making reservations for their colleagues .