
Treatment of fracture of femoral neck with grafting of iliac periosteum and bone flap pedicled with deep iliac circumflex vessels
The Treatment of Femoral Neck Fractures by Transplanting Bone Flap with Deep Circumflex Iliac Vessel and Lateral Circumflex Femoral Vessel bundle
Experiment research of avascular necrosis of the femoral head after ligating different blood vessels supplying femoral head by bone imaging of ~ ( 99m ) Tc-MDP and quantitative analysis
The applied anatomy about the deep branch of ulnar nerve , the anterior interosseous nerve and its branch to pronator quadratus muscle
For the hip joint in contracture side , the treatment is hip relaxation and adduction osteotomy of femoral supracondyles or adduction and in - ternal rotation osteotomy besides .
51 cases were treated by closed reduction , 21 cases by open reduction together with either bone graft with quadratus femoris or iliac graft with deep circumflex iliac vessels .
To introduce the anatomy and clinical application of transfer of the pronator quadratus muscle ( PQ ) branch of anterior interosseous nerve ( AIN ) in repairing thenar muscle branch of median nerve ( MN ) and deep branch of ulnar nerve ( UN ) .