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  • 网络White King;Leuco King
  1. 秋海棠新品种&‘白王’、‘银珠’和‘热带女’

    New Begonia Varieties & ' White King ',' Silvery Pearl ' and ' Tropical Girl '

  2. 白棋一举得到两个白王。

    White took a shot to get two kings .

  3. 东部岩溶水与西部岩溶水属于一个岩溶水系统,从西到东,沿白水上王澄城西头黑池一带,存在强径流带,为未来地下水开采的有利地段。

    Eastern and western karst water belong to one karst water system , from west to east , along Baishuishangwang Chengchengxitou Heichi has a strong runoff belt which is the available groundwater development zone .

  4. 头发白的老人是王小姐的祖父。

    The old man whose hair is white is Miss Wang 's grandfather .