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zhuì zhuì
  • afraid;fearful;apprehensive
惴惴 [zhuì zhuì]
  • [tremble in fear] 恐惧的样子

  • 惴惴焉摩玩不已。--清. 袁枚《黄生借书说》

  • 惴惴奉行。--《明史》

  • 惴惴恐不当意。--《聊斋志异.促织》

  1. “张铁嘴怎么说的?”胡太太惴惴的问。

    " What did Chang Tieh-tsui say ?" she asked timidly .

  2. 多少东西在那夜气的广被中惴惴战栗!

    How many things shiver beneath these vast breaths of the night !

  3. 我脸带微笑,虽然刹那间我这个作家心中惴惴,不知道是否想听下去。

    I smiled , though suddenly the insecure writer in me wasn 't so sure he wanted to hear it .

  4. 我们的院子沐浴在日光下,从农庄的后门一直铺陈到森林稀疏的边缘,好似一处边陲之地,使人小心翼翼地穿过去时,还惴惴然地怕被发现。

    From the back door of the farmhouse to the creeping edge of the forest , our yard was bathed in light , as if a borderland to cross carefully , in fear of be-ing exposed .