
  • 网络St. Elsewhere;St Elsewhere;The crazy chase
  1. 在第4频道的收视率调查中《欧洲警察》被《凯特和阿莉》、《希尔街的布鲁斯》和《何方神圣》打败。

    Eurocops was beaten in the ratings on Channel 4 by Kate and Allie , Hill Street Blues and St Elsewhere

  2. 运营商得是何方神圣,才敢威胁阻止其用户访问Facebook或Twitter?

    What operator , after all , would threaten to block its customers from reaching Facebook or Twitter ?

  3. 几乎每个关注通用汽车(GeneralMotors)破产案的人都在问同一个问题:收购通用汽车旗下悍马(Hummer)品牌的这家中国公司到底是何方神圣?

    Nearly everyone following the General Motors bankruptcy case is asking the same question : Who is the Chinese company buying GM 's Hummer ?

  4. 赫:你真是知识渊博,你究竟是何方神圣?

    Hector : You seem quite knowledgeable . Who are you exactly ?

  5. 阿里克斯:你是什么人?你们是何方神圣?

    Alex : what are you ? What kind of people are you ?

  6. 是何方神圣能把一颗恒星拆散了?

    What could rip a star apart ?

  7. 对方到底是何方神圣?

    What are we dealing with here ?

  8. 所有的合伙人都知道此人是何方神圣,他们对此人也都会很放心的。

    All the partners know who it will be and they will be comfortable with it .

  9. 这女人偷走了我的生活,我应该去看看她是何方神圣。

    Monica : This woman 's got my life , I should get to see who she is .

  10. 它就是人见人爱,得意可爱的小熊是何方神圣?

    Who is this cute bear that so many people adore ? He goes by the name of Teddy .

  11. 一旦发现房间里椅子挪了地方就发疯的人到底是何方神圣呢?

    Who was this man who could be driven to despair by a chair in his flat being out of place ?

  12. 所有的目光都集中在男子200米决赛,布雷克与世界上跑得最快的人—博尔特之间的争夺上。三天里两次战胜博尔特,布雷克是何方神圣?

    All eyes were on the men 's 200 meter final , with Yohan Blake aiming for a second dramatic upset against the world 's fastest man , Usain Bolt .

  13. 这对新人突如其来的婚礼无疑迅速在全世界引起了极大轰动,人们开始挖掘这个女人的身世背景,普里西拉·陈到底是何方神圣?她是如何跻身硅谷第一夫人之列的?

    The surprise announcement of the couple 's wedding last weekend has prompted a closer inspection of the woman who is now effectively one of the first ladies of Silicon Valley 。