
  1. 德英对比在德语教学中的应用

    The application of comparing German with English in German teaching

  2. 浅析德英两种语言的差异社交语用失误与中德文化差异

    Socio-pragmatic Failure and the Difference Between Chinese and German Culture

  3. 德英两国医疗保障模式比较分析:俾斯麦模式和贝弗里奇模式

    A Comparison of Health Care System Models in German and Britain : Bismarck and Beveridge

  4. 对瑞士方面的让步显示出,德国和英国正放弃透明性要求,以获得稳定而直接的税收收入。德英两国曾采取行动,要求瑞士自动提交本国纳税人的信息。

    The concessions to Switzerland are a sign that Germany and the UK , which led a campaign to require Bern to hand over automatically information about their taxpayers , are giving up on the issue of transparency to gain regular and immediate revenues .