
  • 网络Japanese studies;Japanology;Japanologie
  1. 1987年一群观测双髻鲨(Hammerhead)的潜水者发现了与那国岛海底地形,此后立即引起了日本学界激烈的讨论。

    It was discovered in 1987 by a group of divers who were there to observe Hammerhead sharks , and it immediately sparked a huge amount of debate in the Japanese scientific community .

  2. 他们下个学期会一起去日本学�

    They 're gonna be studying in Japan together next semester .

  3. 你知道,我要去日本学日语了。

    You know , I 'm moving to Japan to learn Japanese .

  4. 中国真正意义上的日本学研究形成于有明一代。

    The study on Japan for Chinese in a real sense was formed during Ming Dynasty .

  5. 现在的日本学界对财产以外的损害一般均称为精神损害。

    Japanese scholars are now the damage to property other than generally referred to as moral damages .

  6. 日本学界对《红楼梦》研究批判运动的关注与评论

    Attention and Evaluation on the Movement of Criticizing Studies of A Dream of Red Mansions in Japanese Research Circles

  7. 谁的思想史?为谁写的思想史?&近年来日本学界对日本近代思想史的研究及其启示

    Of Whom and for Whom an Intellectual History Is Written : Recent Studies of Modern Japanese Intellectual History by Japanese Scholars and the Implications

  8. 相比较而言,中国学界的综合研究之作较为丰富,而日本学界的研究多从微观入手。

    Comparatively speaking , comprehensive research achievements of Chinese scholars are more than those of Japanese scholars , Japanese academic circles do some micro research .

  9. 另一方面,日本学界关于独岛领有权的研究也从历史学、国际法等诸多角度对其进行了论述。

    On the other hand , the Japanese academias also study the issue of Dokdo from the aspects of history , international law and so on .

  10. 以经济成长时期为界,战后日本学界的中国认识大致可以划分为两个阶段。

    The interpretation of China in the postwar Japanese academic circles is roughly divided into two main phases , according to the process of economic growth .

  11. 第一个阶段到60年代末期为止。这一时期日本学界的特点是,以批判日本社会封建性为主要特征,对中国的社会变革持肯定态度。

    The first of which to the end of 1960s is characterized as both the criticism of the feudality in Japan and the acknowledgement of the social change in China .

  12. 明代日本学研究的形成具有深远的意义,因为它代表了一个新的学术领域和新的研究方向的确立。

    Forming the study on Japan during Ming Dynasty was of profound and far reaching significance as it represented the establishment a new academic field and a new orientation of study .

  13. 日本学界较之中国学界,更早接受了西方的科技思想、逻辑思想,因此日本学者在解读墨家学说逻辑思维时,也大量运用了西方逻辑学知识。

    Japanese academic circles accepted technology thought and logic thought from western countries even earlier than Chinese academic circles , so they explained logic thought of Mohist school by western logic thought .

  14. 理清日本学界的锁国研究进程和现状之目的,主要对这两次争论的原由和实质进行探讨以及对两次争论之间锁国研究的过程进行阐述。

    An analysis of the process and the present situation of academic researches in Japanese academic circles helps understand the reason and essence of the two key arguments on closed door policy .

  15. 1906年,一个名叫周树人的中国人在日本学医期间,看到一幅幻灯片,上面是1904-1905年日俄战争中的一幕,这场战争有部分是在中国的领土上发生的。

    In 1906 , while studying medicine in Japan , a young Chinese man called Zhou Shuren was shown a slide depicting a scene from the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-5 , which was partly fought on Chinese territory .

  16. 日本学界关于继承回复请求权的性质和相对人的问题颇多论述,这在一定程度上完善了继承回复请求权的内容,为在实践中行使继承回复请求权提供了向导。

    Japanese scholars on succession to reply to the claims of the nature and relative people quite a lot of discourse , improve the content of inheritance claims to a certain extent in practice to exercise inheritance directs the reply to the claim .

  17. 她教日本商人学英语。

    She taught English to Japanese business people

  18. 通过硬件设计和软件编程,在原来的基础上实现了对日本理学公司MSF-2M型X射线应力仪的微机控制。

    Through hardware designed and software programmed , MSF-2M X-ray stress instrument made in Japan has realized automatic control upgrading in the original basis .

  19. 每年日本大学学汉语的学生近30万人,可是考HSK的仅有3千多人,而且真正掌握好汉语的也寥寥无几。

    There are 300,000 university students learning Chinese throughout Japan every year , but only about 3,000 of them participate in HSK every year , and very few can be said to have mastered the Chinese .

  20. 根据实际工作的需要,我们对日本理学TAS-100型热分析仪的标准软件作了改进。

    In order to meet the practical requirement , we have improved the standard softwares of Rigaku TAS-100 thermal analyzer .

  21. 日本中小学道德教育研究

    The Moral Education Research of Japanese Primary and Secondary Schools

  22. 日本中国学京都学派刍议

    A Rustic Opinion on Kyoto School of Japanese Sinology

  23. 德国双元制与日本产学合作的比较研究

    A Comparative Study on German Dual System and Japanese Production and Education Cooperation

  24. 20世纪日本神话学的三个里程碑

    Three milestones in Japanese mythology of 20th century

  25. 本文研究的对象是日本女学对晚清中国女子教育的影响。

    The Research is about the effection from Japan on Chinese female school education .

  26. 日本中小学信息伦理道德教育综述

    Summary of Information Ethics Education in Japanese Schools

  27. 日本情报学研究的新动向&国立情报学研究所成立述评

    The New Trend of Informatics Study in Japan

  28. 日本中小学课程结构的社会学分析

    The Sociological Analysis of the Curriculum Structure of Primary and Secondary Schools in Japan

  29. 日本官员学喜剧(练沟通技巧)。

    Japan officials get training in stand-up comedy .

  30. 日本中小学的综合学习时间概述

    A summary of the content of Comprehensive study time in Japan 's elementary and secondary schools