
  • 网络Japan palace
  1. 改组后的安倍内阁将于27日晚在日本皇宫经过认证仪式后正式投入运转。

    The new cabinet will hold a " attestation ceremony " at Japan Palace on 27th night , and then put into operation .

  2. 不过,当时的首相听到了危险的风声,要求他的同僚改在日本皇宫会晤。当夜晚些时候,策划者占领了皇宫,以一种绝望的企图,试图阻止日本天皇发出投降广播。

    But the prime minister got wind of the danger and had his colleagues meet at the Imperial Palace instead , The plotters seized the palace later in the night in a desperate attempt to prevent the Emperor 's broadcast of surrender .

  3. 去年,高仓健在日本皇宫获得了日本艺术界的最高荣誉文化勋章,他指出,自己赖以成名的角色与这个高贵的地方相去甚远。

    Last year , when Mr. Takakura received one of Japan 's highest honors in the arts , the Order of Culture , at the Imperial Palace , he noted that he was best known for playing characters far removed from thse exalted precincts .

  4. 1945年8月14日夜里,就在日本准备向盟军投降之际,一群反叛的军官发动了一次政变,控制了日本皇宫。

    On the night of August 14 1945 , as Japan prepared to surrender to the Allies , a group of rebel officers launched a coup d " é tat and seized control of Tokyo 's Imperial Palace .