
  • 网络non-verbal communication;Nonverbal Communication
  1. 非语言传播无论在人际传播中还是跨文化传播中都有其独特的、不可替代的作用。

    Non-verbal communication plays an important role not onlyin personal communication but in intercultural communication aswell .

  2. 明清间来华的耶稣会士首先从外表做起,利用非语言传播的种种优势,以适应、认同中国文化与习俗;

    In order to blend into the Chinese society , the Jesuits employed the benefits of non-verbal communication .

  3. 传播的类型大体上分非语言传播和语言传播。

    The types of communication are roughly nonvocal and vocal communication .

  4. 但是在汉语教学中非语言传播一直处在被忽视的地位。

    But nonverbal communication is always neglected in Chinese language teaching .

  5. 论图书馆环境中的非语言传播

    G Language Nonverbal dissemination in the environment of libraries

  6. 作为一种特殊的传播手段,非语言传播有着独特的功能。

    As a special means of communication , nonverbal communication has its unique function .

  7. 蒙古族的非语言传播有着的悠久历史。

    Mongolian Nonverbal Communication has a long history .

  8. 语言传播和非语言传播是人类传递信息的重要手段。

    Verbal communication and nonverbal communication are important means of human beings to transmit messages .

  9. 蒙古族的历史,文化,习俗清晰的透露着从古到今的非语言传播的印记。

    Mongolian history , culture , customs , clearly reveal the imprint of ancient times to thenon-verbal communication .

  10. 他们固然以语言传播作为传教的基本方式,但也非常重视非语言传播的重要性。

    Although they chose verbal communication as their basic method , they thought highly of the importance of non-verbal communication .

  11. 美术作为一种非语言传播形式,从一开始就是人类传播活动中最重要的传播现象之一。

    Fine arts , as a nonlinguistic communication style , is one of the most important phenomenon of human being 's communication activity .

  12. 第三章所体现的是从转化为非语言传播符号的颜色,方向,数字所传播的信息和文化内涵,第四章概括总结了对蒙古族非语言传播的特征与功能。

    Embodied in Chapter III is transmitted from the conversion of non-verbal communication symbols , color , direction , digital information and culture , the fourth chapter summarizes the characteristics and functions of the Mongolian non-verbal communication .

  13. 从远古时代通过非语言传播,及后来的语言、文字传播,到印刷术的发明、无线电技术的运用、电视技术、网络通信的普及,信息的传播无疑不表现为信息技术的进步。

    From ancient times by non-language communication , and later spread in writing and language communication , then to the invention of the printing press , radio technology in use , popularity of television technology , network communication , information dissemination have no doubt of advances in information technology .

  14. 教师的非语言符号传播

    Teachers ' Nonverbal Symbols in Class Teaching

  15. 非语言符号传播中的性别差异

    Gender Differences in Communication of Nonverbal Symbol

  16. 在国外传播学研究中,教育传播已成为传播学下的一个独立的分支学科,教师的非语言符号传播研究作为其三大研究主题之一,已具有一定的成熟性。

    Instructional Communication research abroad has three separate branches , and teachers ' nonverbal immediacy as one of them already has become mature .

  17. 非语言符号在信息传播中的特点与功能

    The Function of Non-linguistic Symbols in English Teaching

  18. 体育既是传播媒介,同时又是传播内容。体育传播的重要特点之一,是以非语言符号作为主要传播介质。

    One of the important characters of sport media was the non-verbal symbol as the communication medium .

  19. 作为大众传播符号中重要组成部分的非语言符号,在传播信息时所起的作用并不亚于语言符号甚至大于语言符号。

    Being one of the important parts of mass media symbols , non-verbal communication plays as essential role as verbal communication does in the course of spreading information .