
  • 网络non-linear editing;Nle;PREMIERE;Premiere Pro;NLE Non-Linear Editing
  1. 苹果非线性编辑FinalCutPro实验课程设计浅探

    An Elementary Probe to Apple Non-linear Editing Final Cut Pro Course Experimental Design

  2. 电视非线性编辑网络ARP病毒攻击漏洞分析和防范策略

    Analysis on Virus-attacking and Strategies to Prevent of ARP in Television Non-linear Editing Network

  3. 奥维迅Open系列非线性编辑系统

    All-Vision Open Non-Linear Editor System Series

  4. 基于PC的非线性编辑系统的一种配置方案

    A Configuration Scheme of Nonlinearly Edit-System Based on PC

  5. 基于SAN非线性编辑系统存储技术的探讨

    The Probe of Storage Technology Based on SAN Nonlinear Editing System

  6. 设计了个实例,并给出在VC开发平台上实现多媒体非线性编辑的详细过程。

    At last give the example , which is performed on VC platform .

  7. 基于UleadVideoStudio视频非线性编辑的光盘

    The VCD Based on Video Nonlinear Editing of Ulead Video Studio

  8. 介绍在非线性编辑系统中,为提高计算机的运行速度对CPU进行超频时的误用。

    This article introduces the misuse of super frequency for speeding up CPU in non linear editing system .

  9. 目前非线性编辑网在节目制作和播出中已较常见,大都采用成本较高的FC与以太网结合的双网结构。

    Nonlinear edit network in the programming and broadcasting has been very familiar .

  10. 介绍非线性编辑系统DpsVelocity常见工程问题的解决方法。

    This paper will introduce the way to solve the general project problem of nonlinear editing system of Dps Velocity .

  11. 高等院校如何构建高质量的DV非线性编辑系统

    How to Make up a High-quality DV NLE System in a College

  12. 介绍基于SAS/DAS、NAS和SAN存储方式的非线性编辑系统构架,并对SAN非线性编辑网络系统及其应用进行分析。

    This paper mainly introduces architecture of Non Liner Editing System of SAS / DAS ? NAS and SAN , and analyses SAN system and application .

  13. 分析了非线性编辑卡的编/解码芯片的结构、特点,以及MPEG-2实现帧精度编辑的原理。

    Analyze the structure and character of Mixed-Format Codec on single chip for non-Linear editing card and the theory of MPEG-2 frame accurate editing .

  14. 简述了光盘技术的发展,并着重介绍高密度数字多用性光盘(DVD)在数字化电视的非线性编辑制作中的应用前景。

    The development of optical disc technology was described in this paper , the emphasis was placed the application of DVD for digitalized TV production of nonlinear editing .

  15. 本文探讨了基于非线性编辑设备的视&音频编辑软件Premiere在电视教材制作中的若干应用问题以及相应的解决办法。

    The paper explores the application of Premiere software based on non-linear audio-video devices to the making of televised teaching materials and its solutions .

  16. 以MPEG-2为载体的数字化产品(如DVB、非线性编辑,卫星直播等)的飞速发展以及传输频带的日益紧张导致了复用器、解复用器的大量需求。

    The highly development of digital products based on MPEG-2 with usable transmittal bandwidth decreasing rapidly have resulted in the widely demand for the multiplexer and the de-multiplexer .

  17. 第四章介绍了从数字合成技术、非线性编辑技术、二维和三维动画设计以及VR、VRML的应用原理等,对数字化电影制作过程进行概括性的表述。

    Chapters 4 introduces Digital synthesizing technique , nonlinear edit technique , two dimension and three dimension cartoon designation and the mechanism of VR and VRML and describes the producing processes of Digital movie .

  18. 经过合理的设计与配置,在普通PC机的基础上,采用普通视频采集卡及Premiere软件组建基本的非线性编辑系统。

    Setting up a basic on-linear editing system on the basis of ordinary personal computers by using ordinary video capture card and Premiere software by means of reasonable design and arrangement .

  19. 本文阐述常用数字便携DV摄像产品及非线性编辑的产品性能,高校教育电视数字视频构建平台方案。

    This article has elaborated its non - linear editing features of common portable digital DV , and thus provides a digital platform construction of DV digital technology and educational TV .

  20. MPEG-2的视频数据有自身的技术规范,基于MPEG-2的非线性编辑系统要实现精确到帧的编辑,必须采取相适应的算法来实现。

    The video-data of MPEG-2 has its own technological rules . If we want to realize the accurate frame-editing in non-linear editing system based on MPEG-2 , a suitable algorithm must be adapted .

  21. 目前尚无支持MPEG-4压缩格式的非线性编辑卡,MPEG-4应用于非编只能采用软件编解码,这在帧精确编辑时会引起素材搜索迟缓的问题。

    MPEG-2 adopts hardware to solve this problem . But at present there is no NLEs cards which can support MPEG-4 compression format . MPEG-4 can only adopt software compress / decompress when used in NLEs .

  22. 在本教程中,我们将继续深入调色工具包,来探索Adobe公司的这个非线性编辑软件的一些更强大的调色功能。

    In this next tutorial , we 'll dig deeper into the color correction tool kit , exploring some of the more powerful features that are included in this new nonlinear editing application from Adobe .

  23. 介绍了新奥特神器800-DTV非线性编辑系统的配置及功能特点和使用方法。

    The paper introduces the disposition function and method of non-linear editing system of new auto to 800-DTV .

  24. 根据非线性编辑系统的需求分析,设计了一种基于100M以太网的非线性编辑系统网络拓扑结构和组网方案,分析了系统工作时的数据流程和系统管理方法。

    According to the demand analysis of non-linear editorial system , the writer has designed a non-linear editorial system topological structure and Internet designed plan based on 100M Ethernet Internet , and analyzed its data process and management method when the system is working .

  25. GStreamer是一个库,允许构造媒体处理组件图,包括简单Ogg/Vorbis回放和复杂音频(混合)和视频(非线性编辑)处理。

    GStreamer is a library that allows the construction of graphs of media-handling components , ranging from simple Ogg / Vorbis playback to complex audio ( mixing ) and video ( non-linear editing ) processing .

  26. Premiere系统对于影视系统的后期制作实现数字化提供了很好的非线性编辑平台,从而改变了传统庞大的硬件编辑系统,使得种种繁琐、复杂的制作过程变得轻松自如;

    Premiere system provides a good nonlinear edit platform for the film back - edit system to be digitized , it changes as it alters the traditional hardwared producing system , we can easily and freely make use of the software to do it .

  27. 非线性编辑板卡的压缩格式已由M-JPEG格式发展到MPEG-2格式,它能直接刻录DVD。

    The compressed format of non linear edition card has been developed from M JPEG to MPEG 2 , thus making direct DVD recording possible , but the cost for a DVD R / W driver and DVD R disc is high .

  28. DES是一套基于DirectShow核心框架的非线性编辑编程接口,它基于时间线模型,可以对多种媒体格式进行自动解码编码操作,从而实现各种媒体格式的统一。

    DES is a framework based on the core non-linear editing DirectShow programming interface , which is based on the time-line model , can be a variety of media formats automatically decode encoded operation , in order to achieve the unity of a variety of media formats .

  29. 影视制作中非线性编辑发展现状

    The Present Condition of Non-linear Edition in Film and Television Making

  30. 非线性编辑系统中视频的实时存取策略

    The policy for real time storage in a nonlinear editing system