
  • 网络Shijiazhuang University
  1. 石家庄学院图书馆信息资源优化配置研究

    Research on the Optimization Disposition of Information Resource in Shijiazhuang University Library

  2. 大学生科研与创新能力发展的教学模式与实践&以石家庄学院为例

    Teaching Mode for Cultivating College Students ' Abilities of Research and Innovation & A Case Study of Shijiazhuang University

  3. 对石家庄学院新编健身健美操的分析与研究

    A study of the new callisthenics of Shijiazhuang College

  4. 河北师范大学、保定学院、石家庄学院、衡水学院等省内高师院校都相继开设了手风琴专业课。

    Hebei Normal University , Baoding University , Shijiazhuang College , Hengshui Normal College and other institutions have the province have set up specialized courses accordion .

  5. 河北师范大学、石家庄学院的音乐系!另外可以电话问一下,也可查当地的教育信息网!

    The music of institute of Heibei Normal University , Shijiazhuang is ! Additional and OK the phone asks , also can check educational website of place !

  6. 对石家庄经济学院走特色办学道路的再思考

    The Reflection of Shijiazhuang University of Economics on its Characterized Education Mode

  7. 石家庄铁道学院图书馆扩建的有机构成

    The Constitution of Extended Building of the Library of Shijiazhuang Railway Institute

  8. 高校图书馆外文电子资源使用评价探讨&以石家庄铁道学院图书馆为例国内外电子资源许可使用实践的比较研究

    A Study on the Evaluation of the Usage of Foreign Electronic Resources in Academic Library

  9. 地经渗透人才培养模式是石家庄经济学院的办学特色。

    The penetration of earth sciences and economics is the characteristics of Shijiazhuang University of Economics .

  10. 石家庄铁道学院1997、1998年产出论文统计与分析

    Statistics and Papers of the Articles Published by Journal of Shijiazhuang Railway Institute in 1997 and 1998

  11. 石家庄经济学院;

    Shijiazhuang Institute of Economics ;

  12. 工科院校汉语言文学专业人才培养模式探略&以石家庄铁道学院为例

    Modes for Cultivating Talents in Chinese Language Literature in Engineering Colleges Taking Shijiazhuang Railway Institute as Example

  13. 石家庄铁道学院图书馆过刊排架问题浅议

    Discussion on the Problem of the Shelf-arrangement of the Back Numbers in the Library of Shijiazhuang Railway Institute

  14. 高校内部质量保障体系建设的探索与实践&以石家庄经济学院为例

    Exploration and Practice of the Construction of Quality Guarantee System in Universities & Taking Shijiazhuang University of Economics as case

  15. 高校图书馆扩建中的绿色设计意识&以石家庄铁道学院图书馆扩建设计为例

    The green design consciousness about the extension of university libraries & Taking the extension design of the library of Shijiazhuang Railway Institute as example

  16. 以科学发展观统领特色办学与毕业生就业工作&以石家庄经济学院为例

    Guiding Characteristic Education and the College Graduate 's Employment with the Scientific Outlook on Development & Taking the Case of Shijiazhuang University of Economics as An Example

  17. 因此,中国铁道建筑总公司组织石家庄铁道学院、铁十五工程局有关科研人员,在“引大入秦”工程24号隧洞开展软管通风技术的研究和试验。本文是该课题的部分测试结果。

    Hence , flexible pipe ventilation technique is developed and tested in the No.24 tunnel of a water engineering some of the test results are introduced in this paper .

  18. 反映了石家庄铁道学院体育改革的一个侧面,即校园运动文化建设与素质教育的有机结合。

    The present paper reflects part of the reform in physical culture of the Shijiazhuang Railway Institute & the organic combination of the campus sports culture construction with quality education .

  19. 结合石家庄铁道学院图书馆扩建设计体会,探讨高校现有图书建筑的发展,与新旧建筑的建设的相关问题。

    Combined with the experience in designing the extended building of the library of Shijiazhuang Railway Institute , the paper explores the developement of present building of libraries in colleges and universities , and relationship between old buildings and new buildings as well .

  20. 中国北部河北省石家庄经济学院的学生,22岁的袁晓龙(音译)表示:拍婚纱照是一种不错的记录爱情的方式,但是我觉得我负担不起1000元以上的拍照费用。

    " It is a good way to record love , but I don ` t think I can afford more than 1,000 yuan to take the photos ," said Yuan Xiaolong , 22 , a student at Shijiazhuang University of Economics in North China ` s Hebei Province .

  21. 在体育课中引入定向运动的可行性分析&以石家庄职业技术学院为例

    A feasibility analysis of beamed sports in Shijiazhuang Vocational Technology Institute

  22. 石家庄职业技术学院2005级学生体质状况分析

    The physical status of the students of 2005 in Shijiazhuang Vocational Technology Institute

  23. 石家庄职业技术学院数字化图书馆建设的尝试,可对此提供有益的启示。

    The experiment in digital library construction of Shijiazhuang vocational technology institute has offered beneficial experience .

  24. 广集众智共谋发展&石家庄职业技术学院第二届专业群建设论坛综述

    Collective wisdom for development-A review of the second forum of course cluster construction in Shijiazhuang Vocational Technology Institute

  25. 以石家庄职业技术学院为例,在分析现状的基础上,提出了增强学院社会服务能力的“扶旧、立新、带周边”的三步走战略。

    The paper takes Shijiazhuang Vocational Technology Institute as a case study , and argues for innovative and creative measures to improve the social services .

  26. 通过对石家庄职业技术学院2005级学生实施《学生体质健康标准》测试情况的统计和分析,旨在了解学生现阶段体质健康状况,把体质健康指标作为体育教学改革的切入点。

    In light of the current Health Standard for Students a statistic analysis is performed of students of the grade 2005 in Shijiazhuang Vocational Technological Institute .

  27. 近期,石家庄职业技术学院对学生日常工作和学习任务进行了大规模的整改措施,所以学生服务管理工作成为了学院近期急需解决的问题。

    Recently , Shijiazhuang Vocational Technology Institute carries out a large scale rectification measures on students ' daily work and learning tasks , so the students service management work becomes a problem that urgently needs to be solved .

  28. 融于社会求发展,服务社会促就业&石家庄职业技术学院就业指导工作全程化管理特色分析

    Merging into the Society so as to Develop , Serving the Society so as to Help Being Employed & An analysis of chracteristic of management in the whole course of direction work for being employed in Shijiazhuang Vocational Technology Institute

  29. 综合教务管理系统是如今高等学校提高教学和管理工作效率的一个有效手段,在计算机和网络技术推动下,石家庄职业技术学院应用原综合教务系统进行教务管理工作已有4年。

    Comprehensive Educational System is an effective way which can improve the efficiency of teaching and management in colleges and universities . In the promotion of computer and network technology , Shijiazhuang Vocational Technology Institute has applied the Comprehensive Educational System for nearly 4 years .

  30. 石家庄铁路职业技术学院网上考试系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Sirt Online Examination System