
zá jù
  • zaju, poetic drama set to music, flourishing in the Yuan Dynasty , usu. consisting of four acts called zhe, with one character having the singing role in each zhe;poetic drama set to music,flourishing in the Yuan Dynasty
杂剧 [zá jù]
  • [poetic drama set to music,flourishing in the Yuan Dynasty] 宋代的一种以滑稽调笑为特点的表演。元代发展成戏曲,每本多为四折,每折由同宫调同韵的北曲套曲和宾白组成。明清两代的杂剧每本不限四折

杂剧[zá jù]
  1. 院本杂剧、诸宫调和俗谣俚曲尤以崭新面貌和杰出成就出现在文学史上,对于北曲的形成和走向产生了影响。

    The Jin dramas and folk songs gave a fresh presence and stood out in Chinese literary history , influencing the shaping and development of Bei qu ( northern tune ) .

  2. Words串串烧元刊杂剧的疑问词语

    The Study of Interrogative Words and Phrases in the Poetic Dramas of the Yuan Dynasty

  3. 这种生活方式的变迁在杂剧作品中也有所体现。

    The changes in lifestyle had also been reflected in works .

  4. 论北杂剧的上场诗元杂剧上场诗刍议

    Discussion of poems in Yuan-dynasty Drama for Entering on the Stage

  5. 不许那等闲人取次展&元杂剧作家笔下的妓女形象及其人文品格

    The Images of Prostitute and Their Cultural Character in Yuan Opera

  6. 元杂剧上下场诗之研究

    A Study of the Entrance and Exit Poetry of Yuan Drama

  7. 第二是宗教对杂剧创作的影响。

    Second is the influence of religion on the drama creation .

  8. 喜剧是明杂剧中的独特成果。

    Comedy is a unique achievement of the Ming Dynasty Operas .

  9. 论元杂剧的悲剧蕴涵

    Connotation of the Tragedies of Poetic Dramas of the Yuan Dynasty

  10. 元杂剧中琳琅满目的蔬果世界

    On the Superb Collection of Vegetables and Fruit in Yuan Dramas

  11. 论近代传奇杂剧的戏剧史地位

    On the History Position of Modern Legend zaju The Creating Theatre

  12. 试析元杂剧历史题材剧兴盛原因

    The Prosperous Causes of the Historical Drama of the Yuan Dynasty

  13. 元杂剧中,剧中人对帮闲的态度以厌恶、憎恨为主。

    In Yuan dynasty , people in drama usually hated idler .

  14. 元杂剧句序的若干特点

    Some characteristics of the Yuan Dynasty dramas in sequence of sentences

  15. 佛教与晚明杂剧创作

    The Buddhism and the Creations of Drama in the Latter Ming Dynasty

  16. 元杂剧爱国主义作品的结构模式

    The structure pattern of the patriotic works of Yuan drama

  17. 元杂剧与元代文人心态

    Variety Plays and the Mentality of the Literati in the Yuan Dynasty

  18. 秦简夫杂剧的艺术特色

    On the Art Features of Zaju Works of QIN Jian-fu

  19. 杂剧中的宗教人物形象,主要涉及佛教和道教。

    Religious image in drama is mainly related to Buddhism and Taoism .

  20. 元杂剧中的佛教剧,是无杂剧中有关宗教剧的一种。

    Buddhism play in Yuan zaju is a kind of religious play .

  21. 元杂剧的市民话语体系解读

    On civilian discourse system reflected in zaju opera of the Yuan Dynasty

  22. 元杂剧反传统审美风格探析

    Analyse on the Anti - traditional Characteristic of Drama in Yuan Dynasty

  23. 元杂剧中的丧葬文化

    The funeral culture in the proto-drama in the Yuan Dynasty

  24. 元杂剧基本的戏剧构造方式&元杂剧文本结构研究之二

    The basic structural way of Yuan Drama Vocal Imitation and Yuan Drama

  25. 金元杂剧路歧的表演艺术

    Performing Art of Luqi in Zaju during the Jin and Yuan Dynasties

  26. 宋代伎艺及其对元杂剧的影响

    Folk Art in Song Dynasty and Its Influence on Drama in Yuan

  27. 金政权南迁与北杂剧的成熟

    The Southern Migration of Jin Regime and the Maturity of Northern Drama

  28. 论元杂剧中的权力崇拜情结

    On Power Worship Complex in Zaju of the Yuan Dynasty

  29. 元杂剧中的民俗文化研究论要

    A Research Design for the Folklore Study in Yuan Drama

  30. 略论元杂剧文体的诗化特征

    On the Poetic Characteristics of Zaju of the Yuan Dynasty