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zá shuō
  • different versions;various opinions;scattered essays
杂说 [zá shuō]
  • (1) [various opinions]∶各种说法

  • 杂说不一

  • (2) [scattered essays]∶零碎的论说文章

杂说[zá shuō]
  1. 文化、文明、传统与现代杂说

    On the Terms of " Culture , Civilization , Tradition and Modern "

  2. 倨傲自大的人朋友少,敌人多。《智慧之灵杂说》(袄教)

    The friends of him who is an arrogant man are few , and his enemies many .

  3. 从鲁迅对童年生活的记忆、对野史杂说的兴趣,可以发现他与小传统的精神联系。

    From the childhood life memory of Lu Xun , to the unofficial history various views interest , we can discover the spiritual relation between him and the little traditional .

  4. 科技体制转轨应遵循的规律及其配套改革模型论中国思想儒道互补基本格局的形成&从《淮南子》的杂说起

    The Principles to be Observed in the Shift of S & T System and Its Complementary Model On the Formation of the Basic Complementary Model of Confucianism and Taoism in China