
zá jì tuán
  • acrobatic troupe
  1. 此外,中国云南省杂技团正在印度巡回演出,展示中国丰富的传统文化。

    Besides , an acrobatic troupe of Yunan Province is also touring India recently to showcase Chinas rich traditional culture .

  2. 我们这群人里的一位新闻学教师,称之为去太阳马戏团(CirqueduSoleil,加拿大的创新性剧团和杂技团)看表演的食物版。

    The journalism teacher in our group called it a " foodie version of going to the Cirque du Soleil ", the innovative Canadian theatre and acrobatic troupe .

  3. 我想要在杂技团开始新的生活。

    I wanted to start a new life in the circus .

  4. 他在这个有名的日本杂技团算是个“百搭”,什么都干。

    He was engaged to act in the celebrated Japanese troupe .

  5. 这仍然是跳蚤杂技团仍是虚幻的。

    It 's still the flea circus . it 's all an illusion .

  6. 这个杂技团技艺高超的表演,惊倒四座。

    The superBly skilful performances given By this acroBatic group surprised all the audience .

  7. 林林家族杂技团的最新表演叫做“飞龙”。

    Ringling Brothers and Barnum Bailey " s newest show is called " Dragons . "

  8. 除了这些语言项目,还有中国杂技团的定期巡演。

    In addition to these language items , there are Chinese Acrobatic Troupe 's regular plays .

  9. 我们中国杂技团最早教过阿尔巴尼亚,埃及来的学员。

    The acrobats of Albania and Egypt learnt at China National Acrobatic Troupe at the beginning .

  10. 好吧,即使我不能雇你作佣人,我可以请你当我们杂技团的小丑。

    Well , if I can 't take you as a servant , I can as a clown .

  11. 下面我们请出中国杂技团的演员为我们送上令人震撼的柔术表演。

    Anyway , Let 's invite the performances of Chinese Acrobatics Troupe again to show us the fabulous Contortion .

  12. 以来自国家体操队的11名运动员为体操组,武汉杂技团的11名演员为杂技组。

    11 athletes from national gymnastics team as gymnastics group , 11 actors from Wuhan vaudeville band as vaudeville group .

  13. 我已不再是小孩但是我仍然喜欢看杂技团表演。

    I 'm not a kid anymore but I still get a big kick out of going to see a circus .

  14. 学生时代,本尼得到了一份在巴里逊剧院(当地的歌舞杂技团)做小提琴手的工作。

    While in school , Benny got a job as a violin player with the Barrison Theater , the local vaudeville house .

  15. 1949年后长期为大连图书馆书库,再后由大连杂技团和大连京剧团使用至今。

    After a long time for the1949 Dalian library stacks , and then by the Dalian Dalian Acrobatic Troupe and Beijing Opera Troupe has been used .

  16. 纽约中华文化中心的杂技团表演了惊险的高空扣篮,以此来欢迎姚明的蜡像来到美国。

    The New York Chinese Culture Center 's Acrobatic Troupe soared to tremendous heights performing a gymnastic slam dunk to help welcome Yao 's figure to the United States .

  17. 尽管在中国有许多杂技团,而吴桥杂技团因为是首家将大象引入杂技表演的单位而非常出名。吴桥杂技团成立于1973年。

    While there are a lot of circus groups in China , Wuqiao Circus became famous for being the first one to incorporate an elephant into their acrobatic show .

  18. 田里有个大姑娘在锄草,一大张黄色广告,也许是什么杂技团巡回演出的海报,在田边迎风飘动。

    A young girl was weeding in a field , where a huge yellow poster , probably of some outside spectacle , such as a parish festival , was fluttering in the wind .

  19. 孙悟空(大连杂技团的费洋把这个角色饰演得非常出色)与对手在火焰山有一系列精彩的武术对决,还伴有夸张的渐强音,让紧张感不可逆转地越来越强。

    A brilliant series of martial arts duels between Monkey ( brilliantly portrayed by Fei Yang ) and his opponents in the Volcano City , was accompanied by a bombastic crescendo that ratcheted up the tension .

  20. 我们选好苗子,打好基础,并输送人才给各省体操队和跳水队、杂技团和体工大队。颜永平补充道,学生们必须有决心、不怕死、能吃苦。

    We select the seedlings , build the foundations and deliver the talent to provincial gymnastic and diving teams , acrobat troupes and military trainers , says Yan , adding that pupils must have determination , no fear of death and an ability to ' eat bitterness ' .

  21. 第一次在UnitedStates展出的姚明蜡像大受欢迎(welcome),在蜡像的揭幕仪式上,中国(china)杂技艺术团特地表演了反重力扣篮以示欢迎(welcome)。

    Yao was welcomed-in wax-for the first time in the United States and welcomed by a troupe of Chinese acrobats performing a gravity-defying gymnastic slam dunk at the unveiling ceremony .

  22. 我们吴桥杂技艺术团建团历史悠久,实力雄厚,阵容整齐,演出精彩,为繁荣民族文化作出了很大的贡献。

    With a long history and strong strength , professional artists and wonderful performances , our acrobatic group has done a lot of great contributions to the prosperity of the national culture .