
  • 网络distributed computation model;distributed computing model
  1. 基于SoftwareAgent技术构造的面向资源联盟的分布式计算模型

    A Resource Alliance Oriented Distributed Computing Model Based on Software Agent Technology

  2. 新一代分布式计算模型&XMLwebServices

    New Generation of Distributed Computing Model & XML Web Services

  3. 一种基于WEBService的分布式计算模型研究及其实现

    Research and Implementation of a Distributed-Computing Model Based on Web Service

  4. Web服务是一种新型的分布式计算模型,是Web上数据和信息集成的有效机制。

    Web Service is a new distributed computing model .

  5. 而Web服务是一种松耦合的、可复用的分布式计算模型。

    But Web Service is a loosing coupling , reusable , distributed calculating architecture .

  6. Web服务(WEBService)是一种基于XML的Web应用,是一种新的分布式计算模型。

    Web Service is a web application of Based-on XML and a new distributed computing model .

  7. 基于Web服务的分布式计算模型在Internet环境下具有很多优点。

    There are many advantages in the Web service based distributed computing model when used in the Internet environment .

  8. 面向服务架构的Web服务是一种新兴的分布式计算模型,它是以服务的形式封装应用并对外发布。

    Service-oriented-architecture is a new distributed computing technology . It is in the form of service for encapsulation , application and publishing .

  9. 从单机系统到C/S结构的盛行,应用程序体系结构已经发展到了如今的分布式计算模型。

    From mainframe to C / S , the structure of application has come to the period of distributing computing model .

  10. 基于JAVA三层分布式计算模型的小型订货系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of a Small Product Order System Based on JAVA 3 Layer Distributed Computing Model

  11. 基于J2EE的分布式计算模型设计

    Design of Distributed Computing Model Based on J2EE

  12. 作为一种新型的分布式计算模型,Web服务极大地推动了B2B应用的发展。

    As a new model for distributed computing , Web services improve the B2B applications development greatly .

  13. Web服务作为一种新型的分布式计算模型,近年来得到学术界和工业界的极大关注。

    In recent years , Web Service has been paid close attention by the industry and the academia , as a new style of distributed computing model .

  14. 作为一种新型的松耦合分布式计算模型,WebServices提供了应用软件之间、独立于操作平台和编程语言的互操作。

    As a model with loose coupling and distributed calculating . Web services provides a way to interoperate in a platform - and language-neutral manner between two applications .

  15. WEBService是一种新的分布式计算模型,具有简单、跨平台,松散藕合等特点,能够方便地实现异构平台上的应用集成。

    As a newly-distributed computer model , Web Service , which owns such characteristics as being simple , platform-crossing and loosely-coupled , can easily implements application integration on heterogeneous platform .

  16. 对于新近出现的崭新的分布式计算模型WebServices给予了高度的关注,详细探讨了它的概念性体系结构和关键技术

    We highly concern Web Services , which is the brand new distributed computing model recently presented , then we discuss the conceptual architecture and key technology of that in detail

  17. EJB作为J2EE架构中最重要的组件,是服务器端分布式计算模型的核心。

    As the most important component of J2EE , EJB is the core of the distributed computing model .

  18. 随着互联网技术的发展,Web服务以其松耦合性、平台无关性和开放性等特点已经成为一个崭新的分布式计算模型和一种新兴的互联网应用模式。

    With the development of Internet technology , web service with its loose-coupling , cross-platform and openness have become a new kind of distributed computing modes and anew Internet application model .

  19. 剖析了其它一些分布式计算模型的优缺点,在此基础上提出了一个基于移动Agent的分布式数据挖掘模型。

    The merits and drawbacks of other distributed computing models were analyzed , and on this basis , a distributed data mining model based on mobile agent was proposed .

  20. 分别采用Web服务技术和移动代理技术作为分布式计算模型和分布式应用集成框架,从而解决工作流系统的底层运行的分布式计算环境和与其它Web应用集成标准问题。

    We used Mobile Agent and Web Services as distributed computing model and distributed application integration framework to solve the bottom distributed computing environment of work flow system and to integrate with other Web applications .

  21. 近年来,Web服务作为一种新兴的Web应用模式和一个崭新的分布式计算模型,已逐渐成为Web上数据和信息集成的有效机制,发展非常迅速。

    In recent years , Web services as a new model of Web applications and a new distributed computing model has gradually become an effective mechanism of integrating data and information , and developing very rapidly .

  22. 利用当前网格计算和服务最新技术WEBService,设计并实现了基于网格计算环境的蛋白质折叠模拟的分布式计算模型,在生物计算领域有着重要的应用价值。

    To deal with the exigent demand of biology computing , basing on the representative application of protein pucker simulation , this paper uses the new technology of Web Service , designs and realizes the distributing computation model .

  23. 本文分别介绍了分布式计算模型,包括OMG组织制定的CORBA标准、MICROSOFT公司提出的分布式对象构件模型DCOM以及SUN公司的Java技术和目前比较流行的WebServices框架。

    This paper introduce some models including CORBA standard constituted by OMG , DCOM model published by MICROSOFT , JAVA language and popular Web Services frame class .

  24. Web服务作为一种新兴的Web应用模式和分布式计算模型,从根本上解决了企业之间及企业内部异构系统之间的互操作和互通信问题。

    Web service resolved the problem of intercommunication and interoperability within the business enterprise and heterogeneous system in the internal business enterprise by the root . As the kind of newly web application mode and distribute computer model .

  25. Web服务作为解决企业间的数据交换和集成等问题的分布式计算模型,在开放的网络环境下,存在安全隐患。

    As a new kind of distributed computing model , Web services solve the problem of the data exchange and integration between enterprises . But the openness of the network makes Web services very vulnerable to security threats .

  26. WEBService基于W3C的开放协议与标准,如XML、HTTP等,与平台和操作系统无关,提供了一个松散耦合、高度灵活的分布式计算模型。

    Based on W3C open protocols and standards such as XML , HTTP etc , Web Service is independent of platform and operating system and offers a sloop and flexible distributed computing model .

  27. Web服务作为SOA重要的实践形式,凭借其开放架构与标准协议栈,迅速为工业界接受,被认为是未来主要的分布式计算模型。

    As the most popular scheme of SOA , Web Services based on its opening architecture and standard specifications are rapidly accepted by industry and are regarded as the main distributed computing model in the future .

  28. 于是在研究了系统架构基本理论与开发技术,对比了Web服务与其他分布式计算模型的基础上,就校园网络学习系统提出了基于.NET框架下Web服务技术的解决方案,并对系统进行了实现。

    After doing some research on the basic fabric theories and developing technologies of system , comparing web service with other distributed computing models , new solution based on web services in NET Environment about the System of network learning is held up and accomplished .

  29. 网格和Web服务技术作为新型的分布式计算模型,从根本上解决了各种异构分布式可视化系统中可视化资源的共享和协同问题以及计算平台之间的互操作问题。

    Grid computing and web service technology , appeared as new distributed computing models , present a fundamental solution to the problem involving in resource sharing and cooperation in various of heterogeneous distributed visualization system , as well as the interoperation problem existing in distributed computing platform .

  30. 随着三层/多层企业信息系统结构的深度发展和下一代分布式计算模型Web服务的出现,企业应用中关于平台、框架、语言的竞争也愈演愈烈。

    With the comprehensive development of the three or more layers structure of the enterprise info system and the emergence of web services , the new generation distributed computing model , there are more and more competitions lied in the platform , architecture and language of the enterprise application .