
  • 网络Distributed Algorithm;distributed arithmetic;distributed arithmetic,DA
  1. 然后采用分布式算法来实现FIR整形滤波器。

    Finally , FIR shaping filter is achieved using distributed algorithms .

  2. 随后,介绍了本文所使用的QoS保障模型&SWAN的实现原理及其三个分布式算法。

    This thesis then describes the principle and the three distributed algorithms of SWAN model .

  3. 同时利用XML数据对象作为分布式算法中的数据对象对网络拓扑进行了分布式的计算。

    This thesis accesses distributed computation upon network topology by using the technology of XML data object .

  4. ·介绍了FPGA及广泛应用于滤波器实现中的分布式算法(DA)。

    · Introducing the FPGA and the distributed algorithm .

  5. 基于FPGA分布式算法的FIR滤波器的设计

    Design Distribute Algorithm FIR Filter Based on FPGA

  6. 一组计算FFT的分布式算法

    A set of distributed algorithms for FFT computing

  7. 在此基础上,提出了基于分布式算法的无乘法器全流水线DCT硬件结构。

    Then , a no-multiplier , DA based , pipelined DCT hardware architecture is presented .

  8. 在高速滤波方面,使用基于分布式算法的FIR滤波器,在不占用乘法器资源的情况下就可以完成高速滤波。3、高速重采样方面。

    A FIR filter based on distributing algorithm is used for high-speed filtering without the use of multipliers . 3 .

  9. 同时,采用部分表结构实现的分布式算法大大降低了对FPGA芯片内部系统资源的占用。

    In the same time , the usage of the FPGA embedded resources is reduced greatly because of using partial LUT configuration to implement the distribution algorithms .

  10. HB滤波器模块和FIR滤波器模块都采用了分布式算法来实现,减少了查找表的利用。

    The Distributed Algorithm was used for both HB-Filter module and FIR-Filter module , which can reduce the use of look-up table .

  11. 研究静态无线传感网生存时间的最优方案,提出基于牛顿法的最大化生存时间分布式算法(LMDANM)。

    The scheme of optimal lifetime in static wireless sensor networks is researched and lifetime maximization distributed algorithm based on Newton method ( LMDA_NM ) is proposed .

  12. 该算法不仅继承了分布式算法提高乘积和计算速度的优点,还为系数可编程FIR滤波器的实现提供了有效的解决方案。

    Not only DDA operates sum of products as quickly as distributed arithmetic , but also provides an effective method to realize coefficient programmable FIR filter .

  13. 文章根据最小均方(LMS)算法自适应FIR数字滤波器的基本原理,介绍了一种改进型分布式算法DA自适应FIR数字滤波器在FPGA中的设计方法。

    In design of FPGA , the method of adaptive digital filter of improving distributed arithmetic based on theory of adaptive digital filter of Least Mean Square ( LMS ) was introduced in the paper .

  14. 最后针对FIR滤波器的Verilog实现,提出了一种新型的并串结构,使得滤波器的处理速度是分布式算法的两倍。

    Finally , on the Verilog implementation of FIR filters , a new structure is presented , with which the speed of the filters are twice the speed with the distributed algorithms .

  15. 为了提高卷积运算的速度,采用DA分布式算法,其优点在于只需要一个查找表和一个带移位的累加器,减少了硬件资源的消耗。

    In order to improve the speed of convolution , this paper adopt the DA distributed algorithm whose advantage was only one lookup table and an accumulator with shift . So it can reduce hardware resource consumption .

  16. 具体工作如下:(1)介绍了FIR数字滤波的基本原理,重点阐述了数字滤波分布式算法(DA),并对分布式算法优化进行了分析。

    The specific tasks are as follows : ( 1 ) The basic principle of FIR digital filter is introduced , which focuses on Distributed Arithmetic ( DA ) of the digital filter and the optimized DA is analyzed .

  17. 包括利用FPGA实现数字延时的关键技术,涉及到对系数的处理和误差分析,分布式算法和流水线技术,并以FPGA的IP核的方式实现了分数延时滤波器。

    This study is about the key technologies of using FPGA to implement digital delay , related to the coefficient processing and error analysis , distributed algorithm and pipeline technology . Then the fractional delay filter is implemented by means of FPGA IP core .

  18. 在本文中,详细阐述了基于全并行分布式算法的级联型FIR滤波器模块和基2-DIF定点高速并行迭代式FFT处理器模块的FPGA实现方案。

    In this paper , FPGA realization scheme of two key modules is elaborated particularly , which are the cascaded FIR filter module based on the parallel distributed algorithm and the high speed parallel iterative FFT processor module based on radix-2-DIF .

  19. 详细讨论了本论文实现的数字下变频系统中主要的几种算法,分别为:CORDIC算法、CIC滤波器、半带滤波器、分布式算法;

    This paper argues deeply the main algorithm used in Digital Down Converter design , such as : CORDIC algorithm , CIC filter theory , Half-Band filter theory , Distributed Arithmetic algorithm ;

  20. 在此基础上,使用改进的分布式算法设计了声像定位协处理器,并根据实现环境对其进行了若干优化,最终实现了该协处理器与SPARC处理器核的互联。

    After that , an image localization coprocessor based improved distributed algorithm was designed , optimized and interconnected to SPARC core with the considerations of implementation environment .

  21. 并且在此基础上,首先研究了适合于FPGA器件结构及性能特点的DSP算法&分布式算法,并应用于B超诊断仪信号处理模块中的FIR滤波器实现;

    On this foundation , it first works over the distributed algorithm , one kind of DSP algorithm which is suited in the FPGA component structure and performance characteristic ; then applies it in designing FIR filters of digital B-ultrasonography equipment 's signal processing sub-module .

  22. 对于DCT的设计,采用分布式算法和专用累加器的硬件结构达到单周期8个象素的处理速度,适合高分辨率图像视频的实时处理。

    First , distributed arithmetic ( DA ) and a specific accumulator are used in the design of DCT to achieve a high throughput up to 8 pixels per clock , which is suited for high definition video compression application .

  23. 重点分析了作为预处理系统核心的FIR滤波器设计中参数的选取、基于查找表(LUT)结构的并行分布式算法(PDA)的原理和实现;

    The dissertation focuses on the design of the key component of preprocessing system - FIR filter , investigated the considerations of the parameter selection ; principles of Parallel Distributed Arithmetic ( PDA ) based on Look-Up Table ( LUT );

  24. 本文介绍了柔性制造系统(FMS)中资源分配问题的一种有效的并行分布式算法,将资源分配转换成一个图匹配问题后,对多项式复杂性Blossom算法,改制并设计成并行算法。

    This paper introduced an effective parallel distributed algorithm for resource allocation problem in a flexible manufacturing system ( FMS ) . A parallelization of Blossom algorithm , a polynomial-complexity algorithm , is developed after transforming resource allocation to a graph matching problem .

  25. 提出了基于DCOM分布式算法在由传统地图扫描成的JPEG格式地图上实现经纬度定位的方法,并且详细论述了该方法的原理和简单应用。

    This paper provides a method based on DCOM arithmetic to locate a site ' latitude and longitude on the JPEG Map which is attained by scanning traditional map , and discusses the principle and application of this means in detail .

  26. 从一次发送过程平均时间最小化出发给出了求解最佳RTS门限的数值计算方法,然后,设计出一个分布式算法,以使终端能自动调整其RTS门限到最佳值,从而优化网络的饱和吞吐率。

    A numerical method to find out the optimum RTS threshold is presented . Then a distributed RTS threshold adjustment algorithm , with which each station can automatically adjust its RTS threshold to the current optimum value , is developed to maximize the network throughput .

  27. 为避免中心式调度协议中的长距离多跳分组转发引起的延迟及丢包问题,文中给出了VCLS协议的分布式算法,并引入了两种保障机制用于提高染色成功率。

    A distributed implementation of the VCLS protocol is show in this paper , which can avoid delay and packet loss problems caused by long-distance multihop forwarding in centralized implementation .

  28. UD-TDMA算法将求解并发通信节点个数问题转化为求解极大独立集的理论问题,设计分布式算法获得每轮发送节点的极大独立集,进而确定节点时隙分配和发送周期。

    UD-TDMA algorithm transforms the solution of the number of concurrent communication node into solving the theoretical issues of maximal independent set . It designs a distributed algorithm to obtain a maximal independent set of concurrent node and to determine the node slot distribution and the transmission cycle .

  29. 边界区间法是一类确定性、分布式算法。

    Boundary interval algorithm is a kind of deterministic and distributed algorithm .

  30. 覆盖多播节点失效检测的分布式算法的改进

    An Improved Distributed Algorithm for Node Failure Detection Mechanism of Overlay Multicast