
  1. 服务器软件负责监听工器具节点所发送的数据信息,存放到数据库服务器,同时提供WEB方式的数据查询。

    Server software is responsible for monitoring and instrument data sent by the node , stored in the database server , also provides data query WEB mode .

  2. 在已设计模型的基础上,提出了基于RFID的安全工器具管理系统总体架构,并给出了完整的数据库设计。

    On the basis of the model designed , I proposed overall structure for RFID-based security equipment management system and provided a full database design .

  3. 一种双重功能电力安全工器具的设计

    Design of an Apparatus with Dual Functions for Electric Power Safety

  4. 所需要的工器具:水管,刷子,盛装化学品的容器。

    Instrument needed : water pipe , brush , container for chemical .

  5. 优化施工机械及工器具的配备,既提高劳动生产率又降低生产成本;

    Construction machinery and tools must be optimized to improve productivity and reduce costs ;

  6. 设备及工器具管理系统在输变电施工企业中的应用

    Application on the equipment and tool & instrumental management system for the power transmission and transformation construction enterprise

  7. 并介绍内抱杆组立铁塔施工技术、施工工艺、受力计算和工器具选择。

    It describes that tower construction technique , process , strength calculation and apparatus selection by using the internal gin pole .

  8. 其关键点包括直升机的选型、作业方法的研究和工器具的开发。

    The key points are including the selection of helicopter , the research of maintenance method and the exploitation of tools .

  9. 本系统实现了安全工器具管理的网络化、智能化管理,并在一些变电站实际使用中起到了良好的效果。

    This system has safety instruments management , network , intelligence management , and actual use in a number of substation played a good effect .

  10. 而目前传统的工器具柜内没有防潮恒温的控制设备,各种工器具摆放杂乱无顺序,不能满足安全管理使用的标准。

    Currently , the traditional cabinet has no devices to control humidity and temperature , tools is deployed without any order , all these cannot meet the standard of security .

  11. 安全生产是电力企业永恒的主题,安全工器具的管理是电力企业日常生产、安全管理的-项重要内容。

    Safety is the eternal theme of enterprises of electric power , Management of the safety apparatus is an important content in electric power enterprise daily production and safety management .

  12. 安全工器具是电力部门从事运行、维护、检修、抢修工作最基本和必不可少的工器具,其安全性非常重要。

    Safety instruments in the power sector in the operation , maintenance , overhaul , repair work is the most basic and essential tools and instruments , their safety is very important .

  13. 本系统为每一个工器具设立台帐信息,可以跟踪工器具的整个生命周期,包括购买、使用、检修、废弃等过程。

    The system set up for each accounting information , tools and instruments to track the entire life cycle of industrial instruments , including the purchase , use , maintenance , waste and other process .

  14. 技术防范措施包括采用先进的技术设备及安全监控设备、加强对技术设备系统的维护管理和对应急工器具的配备管理;

    With respect to technological prevention measures , Guangzhou metro has adopted advanced operation and monitoring facilities , and strengthened the maintenance of technological equipment systems and the management of distribution of emergency response devices and tools .

  15. 且而工器具的体积小,轻便,只需要一个就能进行操作,操作简单,能够节省大量人力,提高工作效率。

    The tool has the advantages of small size , portability and simple operation , only one tool can be used for operation , a great amount of manpower can be saved and work efficiency can be increased .

  16. 本文详细介绍了智能安全工器具柜在线监控系统的各个模块的设计和具体实现,本系统的主要的模块有通讯管理模块、实时监测模块、后台管理模块和存储模块。

    This article introduces the practical design and implement for every modules of online monitoring system for intelligent safety equipment cabinet in detail . The major module includes communication management module , simultaneous monitor module , background management module and storage module .

  17. 哈大线牵引变电所首次采用了铜制双层导流硬母线,其安装对工器具的精确度与施工工艺的要求都很高,施工难度大。

    The copper double layer hard bus bar has been adopted in traction substation of Harbin-Dalian railway for the first time , its installation , the accuracy to the construction tools and strict requirement to the construction techniques make it difficult in construction .

  18. 由于安全工器具包含的设备种类繁多、数量较大,其管理工作涉及种类、数量、检查与试验、报废与更新等众多方面,因此有较大的管理难度。

    Due to the security apparatus includes a wide variety of devices , large amount , the management related to the type , quantity , check and test , end-of-life and update and other aspects , therefore , the difficulty of management is larger .

  19. 主要阐述了轧机用大型压下丝母的关键技术问题、解决方法、工装器具的制作以及效果。

    This paper mainly expatiated on the key technology problem on processing the large overbearing nut of rolling mill and the manufacture of processing apparatus as well as its effect .

  20. 清洁的基本内容是:维持整理、整顿和清扫的状态,使设备、工装、工位器具、零件等做到无污物。

    Clean the basic elements are : the maintenance finishing , cleaning and straightening out the state of the equipment , tooling , the digital equipment , spare parts , and so do not dirt .