
Qn Turbulent Boundary Layers in Sea-Air Interface
Because people in the world gas pay into , in order to adjust disease without disease , both the law would need to part and Ming .
The primary spray only takes place on the oil-air interface and is mainly caused by the amplitude increment and breakup due to the aerodynamic disturbance between spray and air ;
Based on the hypothesis of aerodynamic disturbance and by means of analyzing the amplitude increment and breakup process of instable wave on the oil-air interface , this paper has qualitatively and quantitatively studied SMD and droplets distribution .
The transient mathematical model reveal aerodynamic coupling angle .
Research and application of AC / DC stray current detector on gas pipeline
The effect of aerodynamic Crosscoupling during rocket flight
The discretization equation was derived for the control volume with conjugate heat transfer at its interface , with the radiation heat flux at the interface appearing as an additional source term .
As a Lagrangian method , SPH can track the moving interface between the gas produced by the explosion and the surrounding water effectively .
The Organotypic Culture of Keratinocytes in Vitro Numerical simulation of the gas bubble behavior in the immiscible two-phase fluid interface
The results of the inverted phase contrast microscope showed that successive layers of epithelial cells could be cultured on the air liquid interface , and the joint of cell and carrier was firm . The Organotypic Culture of Keratinocytes in Vitro
Observation and analysis of surface charge accumulation at the gas-solid interface of insulator
The normal field model of surface charge accumulation at the gas-solid interface of insulator is analyzed .
Underwater explosion , involving gas-liquid two-phase flows , is a problem of dynamic boundary . Numerical simulation of underwater explosion problems is a challenge for traditional mesh-based numerical methods due to the inherent feature such as moving interface .
I was so really scared that it became completely motionless , leaving itself all to the precarious hope .