
  • 网络Internal transformation;internal conversion
  1. 产业转型升级是经济发展的一个必不可少的过程,它反映了经济结构的内部转变,是资源配置和产品附加值变动的体现。

    Industrial transformation and upgrading of economic development is an essential process , it reflects the economic structure of the internal transformation , is the allocation of resources and the value of the products change embodiment .

  2. 想象一下,站在一个圆顶,看着太阳从内部转变为新星,仿佛你就站在恒星的内部看着等离子旋转,缩小,扩大,最终爆发。

    Imagine standing in a dome and watching the Sun go nova-from the inside , as if you were in the center of the star watching the plasma currents swirl , contract , expand , and ultimately explode .

  3. 农业科研机构内部逐步转变体制、建立促进成果转化机制。

    Agricultural research institutions should gradually transfer the system to set up system for industrialization of products . 3 .

  4. 经济警察变成管理参谋&基于价值链理论谈内部审计转变

    From the " Economic Police " Change into the " Management Staff " & The Changes of Internal Auditing Based on the Value Chain Theory

  5. 国内外资本市场上诚信危机、财务造假事件不断曝光,财务信息使用人从重视财务报告向重视内部控制转变。

    Credibility crisis and financial fraud case are continuously exposed on the domestic and international capital markets . The user of financial information pays more attention to internal control than financial report .

  6. 而从短期来看,近十年的数据回归表明外商直接投资对服务业内部结构转变存在显著的正影响,有滞后效应。

    And in the short term , the return data over the past decade shows that there was a significant positive impact of foreign direct investment on changing the internal structure of the service industry , and also there were lag effects .

  7. 也许该行业内部权势均衡转变的最佳诠释就是中国铝业。

    Perhaps the best indication of the shifting balance of power within the industry is the endless upheaval at Rio .

  8. 对质量链的管理也从注重企业内部管理,转变为兼顾企业内部及供应链上产品质量水平的管理。

    Therefore quality chain management has changed its focus from inner management to quality control in all products on the supply chain .

  9. 企业从传统模式向顾客内部化模式转变,有效提高企业效益,增强企业核心竞争力。

    The traditional model of enterprise is turning into the customer internalization model to effectively improve enterprise efficiency , and to enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises .

  10. 企业价值报告是适应资本市场的转变和企业内部焦点的转变而产生的。

    Complying with the change of capital market and interior focus of enterprise , enterprise value report appears . Enterprise value report is made up of four parts .

  11. 在此基础上,提出了加强林业行业协会财务管理的措施,主要包括建立健全财务规章制度,加强内部审计,转变思想观念,提高财务人员的素质等。

    At last , some suggestions on strengthening forestry industry association financial management were put forward , including , establishing and perfecting rules of financial affairs , reinforcing internal audit , transforming ideas and improving the accountants quality .

  12. 伴随着服务经济的飞速发展和内部结构的转变,发达国家内部逐渐孕育形成了一批对本国乃至世界经济都具有相当影响力的服务业集群。

    With the rapid development and the transformation of the internal structure of the service industry , developed countries have formed the cluster of service industry which has cast influence not only to their own countries but also to the world .

  13. ERP的实施改变了企业的经营管理方式,也带来了企业内部审计工作的转变。

    The implementation of ERP has changed the management forms in enterprises , and has brought the transition of the audit work inside enterprises too .

  14. 中小企业成长与内部沟通模式的转变

    Growth of medium and small-sized enterprises and change of internal communication pattern

  15. 内部审计人员要转变思想观念,增强服务意识等。

    Besides , internal auditor should change the concept and enhance sense of good service .

  16. 相反,它们转移到了应用程序的内部机制中,转变为了一些应用程序设计模式。

    Instead , it moves to the applications ' inner mechanisms and translates into a number of application design patterns .

  17. 匈牙利事件开始时属于人民内部矛盾,后来转变成推翻人民政权的严重事件。

    The Incident of Hungary first belonged to the people 's inner contradiction but at last it was transformed into the serious indecent .

  18. 一旦保留下来,就可以打开一个内部编纂软件来转变视角,增进特效。

    Once you have saved your video , you can open another piece of internal software in order to change the point of view and add special effects .

  19. 这些结果说明薄膜退火后的特性与薄膜材料的内部结构及结晶转变温度等有密切相关。

    The results show that the properties of the annealed films are determined not only by the annealing temperature , but also by the structure and crystalline properties of the films .

  20. 为了促进襄樊经济发展,发挥孵化器的聚集效应,提升襄樊高新技术企业孵化器的品牌,该孵化器需要进行内部资源整合、转变管理方式、加强网络化建设、强化个性化服务。

    In order to accelerate the development of Xiangfan , to develop incubator 's assembly effects and to enhance the brand of Xiangfan high and new-tech business incubator , it involves consolidating internal resources , transferring management methods , strengthening network construction and intensifying individualized services .

  21. 在高等学校实行会计电算化,内部管理和内部控制制度发生转变后,建立高等学校会计电算化内部控制十分必要。

    The system of internal administration and control has changed with the development of computerized accounting in universities .

  22. 在国有企业内部建立健全财务控制制度的最重要方式是将代理人主导型的内部财务制度转变为委托人和代理人均衡制约的内部财务制度。

    Most important way in establishing a perfect financial control system in state-owned enterprise is to change the financial control system from that orientated to the agent to the equilibrium restraint between the principal and the agent .

  23. 通过对企业内部会计控制制度的评价开展税收纳税评估与传统的评估方法的不同之处在于评估方法由单纯的数据信息对比向全面评价内部控制制度转变。

    The difference between the traditional taxation assessment and evaluation by the internal accounting controlling system of enterprise is the assessment measure , which shift from the simple database comparison to the completely evaluated internal controlling system .