
dān chénɡ chē piào
  • one-way ticket;single ticket
  1. 据NPR新闻的茵娜·杰夫报道,这个案子涉及拉斯维加斯精神病医院的一个病人,他得到了一张去往加州萨克拉门托的单程车票。

    NPR 's Ina Jaffe reports the case involves the patient at a Las Vegas psychiatric Hospital who has given a one-way ticket to Sacramento , California .

  2. 一张单程车票的价格高达50元。

    An one-way ticket will be charged as high as 50 yuan .

  3. 我要买二张去上海的单程车票。

    I want to buy two single-way tickets to Shanghai , please .

  4. 他今天一早就打电话预定了一张单程车票。

    He telephoned to reserve a one-way ticket early in the morning .

  5. 战区新闻报道工作&通向地狱的单程车票

    War-Zone Journalism A " One-Way Ticket To Hell "

  6. 请拿三张去悉尼的单程车票,头等车厢。

    Three one way tickets to Sydney , first - class , please .

  7. 请给我一张二等座位的单程车票。

    Give me a second_class one-way ticket , please .

  8. 我想要买一张去华盛顿的单程车票。

    P2 : I like a couch class one way to Washington please .

  9. 请买一张去波士顿的单程车票。

    A one_way ticket to Boston , please .

  10. 我想买一张去北京的头等单程车票。

    I want a first-class single to Beijing .

  11. 一张单程车票多少钱?

    How much is a one-way ticket ?

  12. 外宾:买两张到北京的硬卧车票。我想买一张去北京的头等单程车票。

    Two semi-cushioned berth tickets for Beijing please . I want a first-class single to Beijing .

  13. 朋友从赤腊角机场出来后,坐机场快线只用23分钟就到了中环(单程车票100港币)。

    He departed Chek Lap Kok Airport for the23-minute ride to Central District on the Airport Express ( one way fare : HK $ 100 ) .

  14. 单程。车票多少钱?一张去普次茅斯的火车票票价是多少?

    One way , please . How much is the fare ? How much is a through ticket to Portsmouth ?

  15. 单程。车票多少钱?单程票为28美元。

    One way , please . How much is the fare ? You should pay $ 28 for a one-way ticket .