首页 / 词典 / good

  • Generation;the like;generation in family;familiar circle;people of a certain kind
  • 家族的世代,泛指人际的一种先后次第:~分。先~。长(zhǎng )~。后~。晚~。前~。

  • 等,类(指人):吾~。尔~。~出。无能之~。

  • 人活着的时间,毕生:我这一~子。

  • 车百辆,亦指分行列的车。


(行辈; 辈分) generation in family:

  • 长辈

    the older generation;

  • 晚辈

    the younger generation;

  • 侪辈

    of the same generation


[书] (等; 类) the like; familiar circle; people of a certain kind:

  • 我辈

    people of our group;

  • 流辈

    coterie group;

  • 风流之辈

    distinguished and admirable people;

  • 无能之辈

    people without ability


(一生; 寿命) lifetime:

  • 后半辈儿

    the latter part of one's life;

  • 一辈子

    for life;

  • 下辈子

    next incarnation

  1. 相信我,约翰绝非善良之辈。

    John is no angel , believe me .

  2. 他们比上一辈人的预期寿命要长。

    They had longer life expectancies than their parents .

  3. 她拥有与孙女辈的年轻人一样的活力和容光。

    She has the vigour and radiance of someone young enough to be her granddaughter

  4. 我其实不想做个平庸之辈,结个婚,背上房贷。

    I actually don 't want to be a middle-of-the-road person , married with a mortgage .

  5. 年轻一辈的光芒可能会让他显得有些黯然失色,但他的电影仍旧十分受欢迎。

    He may have been eclipsed by the young guns , but his films are still very popular .

  6. 比起上几辈人,我们有更多机会享受生活。

    Compared to people living only a few generations ago , we have greater opportunities to have a good time

  7. 今年我们甚至无法给自己的孙儿辈买礼物了。这真让人心碎。

    This year we won 't even be able to buy presents for our grandchildren . It 's heartbreaking .

  8. 由于受旧观念的影响,有些单位分配工作按资排辈。

    Influenced by old ideas , some units assign posts according to seniority .

  9. 他比我长一辈。

    He belongs to my father 's generation .

  10. 我们都长大了,总不能仰给父母一辈吧。

    We are grown-up now , we can 't rely on our parents for support .

  11. 所有的调查都发现,人们对于名字的混淆往往存在于某种关系群体中,如孙子辈的孩子们、朋友和兄弟姐妹,但是很少跨越这些界限。

    All the surveys found that people mixed up names within relationship groups such as grandchildren , friends and siblings but hardly ever crossed these boundaries .

  12. 她们是意气风发、生性活泼,具有创业精神的奶奶辈,她们打破一切固有规则,放弃稳定的退休生活,只为成就个人创业。

    They are a generation of spirited , vivacious1 and entrepreneurial grannies , ripping up the rule book and eschewing2 steady retirement3 in order to launch successful businesses .

  13. 我们这一辈电影人是在父辈的扶植下成长起来的,现在也到了我们把经验交给下一代的时候。

    When I was young I received much help from the older generation of film people . Now , it 's time for us to nurture3 the next generation .

  14. 这就是我的工作,这就是我对未来的畅想,要弄清楚这种蛋白到底是什么,同时也是化疗有效性的未来,或许所有患有癌症的爷爷都能有更多的时间跟他们的孙子辈们在一起。

    So that was my work , and it was my way of reimagining the future for future research , with figuring out exactly what this protein does , but also for the future of chemotherapy effectiveness -- so maybe all grandfathers with cancer have a little bit more time to spend with their grandchildren .

  15. 60一辈有伍德斯托克(Woodstock),他们的孩子,80一辈有现场援助(LiveAid);

    The children of the 60 's had Woodstock and their children , in the 80 's , had Live Aid ;

  16. 今天,爷爷辈比孙子辈更易获得工作,地处波士顿的美国东北大学(NortheasternUniversity)劳动力市场研究中心的一项研究显示。

    Today , grandpa is more likely to earn a paycheck than his grandson , according to research by the center for labor market studies at Northeastern University in Boston .

  17. 直到我们的爷爷奶奶这一辈人,西尔斯百货(Sears)仍然是美国中产阶级采购日常用品的金字招牌。

    As recently as your grandparents ' generation , Sears was the household goods icon for middle class Americans .

  18. 60一辈有伍德斯托克(Woodstock),他们的孩子,80一辈有现场援助(LiveAid);同时在英格兰和费城举行的音乐会,正在为埃塞俄比亚饥荒救济筹集资金。

    The children of the60 's had Woodstock and their children , in the80 's , had Live Aid ; a concert given simultaneously in England and in Philadelphia , PA to raise funds for famine relief in Ethiopia .

  19. 今天,似乎每个人,以及他们的妈妈——暂不提祖母辈的——都在社交平台上有一个账户。我很确定在Facebook上我还与许多我朋友的宠物是好友关系呢。

    Today , it seems that everyone and their mother - not to mention their grandmother - has an account on the social media platform . I 'm pretty sure I 'm friends with most of my friends ' pets as well .

  20. 好吧其实那是BobbyFlay的秘方credit:信用,荣誉perfect:完美的但我爸还是继续靠它辈受夸奖,会很完美的!

    Blair : Well , it may have been Bobby Flay 's , but it didn 't stop my dad from taking credit for it . It 's gonna be perfect ! -

  21. 除了妻子,他在世的亲人还有孩子亚当和朱莉·尼莫伊(AdamandJulieNimoy)、继子亚伦·贝·舒克(AaronBaySchuck)、六个孙子辈和一个曾孙辈,以及哥哥梅尔文(Melvin)。

    Besides his wife , he is survived by his children , Adam and Julie Nimoy ; a stepson , Aaron Bay Schuck ; six grandchildren and one great-grandchild ; and an older brother , Melvin .

  22. 但是Madisch博士对此并不悲观,他说:“这些从Facebook成长起来的研究者们知道分享会提高他们的研究水平。同时,他们年长一辈的同事们会最终认识到这点,或者有的干脆选择退休。

    But Dr Madisch is optimistic . Those who have grown up with Facebook , he says , know that sharing will improve their research . And their older colleagues will eventually come around-or retire .

  23. 2016年共和党总统选举候选人的竞争者、参议员马可•鲁比奥(MarcoRubio)指出,他的父母一辈可以从酒吧侍者和女仆这样相对卑微的工作起步,迈入中产阶级。

    Senator Marco Rubio , a contender for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016 , points out that his parents were able to make it into the middle class from relatively humble jobs , as a bartender and a maid .

  24. 2016年共和党总统选举候选人的竞争者、参议员马可•鲁比奥(MarcoRubio)指出,他的父母一辈可以从酒吧侍者和女仆这样相对卑微的工作起步,“迈入中产阶级”。但他承认,这在现在是不可能的。

    Senator Marco Rubio , a contender for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016 , points out that his parents were able to " make it into the middle class " from relatively humble jobs , as a bartender and a maid . These days , he acknowledges , that would no longer be possible .

  25. 他要给孙子辈留下一份干净的产业。

    He wanted to leave a clean business to his grandchildren .

  26. 这些人都是些革命尚未成功之辈。

    These are the ones whose revolutions did not come off .

  27. 我们可以用一套真正跨辈份的活动拓展这个地方。

    This place can be developed with one real intergenerational program .

  28. 才能下半辈把你关在监牢里。

    So that I could throw you into prison for life .

  29. 这会变成讲给我们孙子辈的往事。

    This is the story we 're gonna tell our grandchildren .

  30. 但这取决于你对终身制和排资论辈的定义。

    But that depends on how you define tenure and seniority .
