
  • 网络neofelis diardi
  1. 婆罗洲云豹的大小与小型美洲狮相当,其犬齿长度相对于体型来说居猫科动物之首。

    The size of a panther it has the longest canine teeth relative to body size of any cat .

  2. 微小隐孢子虫感染犬肾细胞模型的建立及生长发育过程的研究婆罗洲云豹的大小与小型美洲狮相当,其犬齿长度相对于体型来说居猫科动物之首。

    In Vitro Cultivation Model of Cryptosporidium parvum in MDCK Cells and its Development The size of a panther it has the longest canine teeth relative to body size of any cat .