
zhōnɡ quān
  • centre circle;center circle
  1. 直到中线开球的另一方的队员要等球被踢出后才能进入中圈。

    Players on the other side must not enter the centre circle until the Ball has been kicked off .

  2. G中圈C的内桥B称为可移动的。

    An inner bridge B of a cycle C in G is transferable .

  3. 分析了两类特殊的k元移位寄存器的状态图中圈的结构;

    Analyzes structure of cycles in state graphs of two class of special k-ary shift registers .

  4. 文章对圈区间超图的交簇、边着色、Helly性质、保形性质进行讨论,主要得出在k-一致圈区间超图中圈区间簇的一些结果。

    In this paper , we will concentrate on the hypergraph 's intersection family , property of edge colourings , Helly property , conform property . The main result of this paper concerning on cycle interval family of k-uniform cycle interval hypergraph .

  5. 边故障的超立方体中圈嵌入问题之研究

    Research on the Cycle Embedding of the Hypercubes with Faulty Edges

  6. 中圈以建设人工草地为主,辅以大面积自然恢复的草原地带;

    The middle zone is artificial grassland with natural grassland restore .

  7. 方法:回顾分析腹腔镜腹部手术中圈套器的应用情况。

    Methods : The application of the snare is analyzed retrospectively .

  8. 4-连通图中圈上的可去边和可收缩边

    Removable Edges and Contractible Edges in Cycles of 4-Connected Graphs

  9. 对艺术体操中圈运动的力学原理分析

    Mechanical Analysis of Circle Motion in Rhythmic Gymnastics

  10. 深基桩支护设计中圈梁下单排桩的协调工作分析

    Analysis of Harmony Work of Single Row piles under Ring Beam for Pile Shoring Design of Deep Foundation

  11. 证明了模糊拟阵中圈的传递性定理,为进一步研究模糊拟阵的连通性提供了可能。

    Fuzzy circuit transmission theorem is proved , on which we may study the connection of fuzzy matroids .

  12. 看到中锋从中圈就开始启动进攻我觉得滑稽。

    It 's funny when I see centre-forwards starting off in the middle against their markers and then going away from goal .

  13. 找一份当地的小报,把情书上的每个字按顺序在报纸中圈出来。

    Then , get your local newspaper and circle all the words you need ( in order ) to include in your letter .

  14. 夜光云是在夏季极地中圈顶之上形成的更广泛更持久的层的参差不齐的延伸。

    Noctilucent clouds are ragged extensions of a more widespread and more permanent layer which forms over the summer polar area at the mesopause .

  15. 本文通过理论模型分析和实例,对深基坑支护设计中圈梁下单排桩的协调工作进行了论证。

    This artcle proves The Harmony work of Single Row Piles Under Ring Beam in Deep Foundation Pile Design , Through Theoretical Model Analysis and Living Example .

  16. 闪电本身的宽度不会大于篮球场中圈的宽度,但由此产生的大坑将和整个篮球场不相上下。

    The bolt itself would be only as narrow as the center circle of a basketball court , but it would leave a crater the size of the entire court .

  17. 20世纪20年代,地质学家,中圈地质力学的奠基人李四光建立了新的边缘学科“地质力学”,为地质学理论作出了伟大贡献。

    In the 1920s , Li Siguang , a geologist and founder of geological mechanics of China , set up the subject of geological mechanics and made great contribution to the geological theory .

  18. 第四章对大豆蛋白纤维织物拉伸性能进行了研究,发现在拉伸过摘要程中圈高与圈距存在一定的线性关系。

    In the fourth chapter not only for soybean fabric but also cotton fabric one linear relation was found to exist between height of wale and course space during study on fabric stretching property .

  19. 推导出由特征多项式的系数表示的线图(无重边图)中圈的个数,双向结点对个数,单向结点对个数及简单图中有向三角形个数的计算公式,等等。

    The formulae for the number of loops , edges , triangles , pairs of two-way nodes and pairs of one-way nodes are deduced by the coefficients of a characteristic polynomial , so on .

  20. 本文引入无向图的特征多项式的概念,并推导出由特征多项式的系数表示的无向线图中圈的个数、边的条数及简单图中三角形的个数的计算公式。

    In this paper , the concept of the characteristic polynomial of the undirected graph is defined , and the formulae for the number of loops , edges and triangles are represented by the coefficients of a characteristic polynomial .

  21. 而接下来大概是我和大卫搭档的第二年中间,他注意到我每次赛前都会这么做,所以他也站在中圈那儿和我赛跑。

    And then probably half-way through me and D. Lee 's second year here together , he noticed I started to do it every game and so he 'd be standing at the top of the circle right there and we 'd race , basically .

  22. 其功能结构是圈层结构,内圈层是科技研发功能,中圈层是居住、公共服务功能,外圈层是生产功能。

    It s functional structure is the layered structure . The inside ring is R & D capabilities , the Intermediate ring is a living , public services , the outside ring is the production function zone . The industrial park develops industries , and industries revitalize the city .