
  • 网络cassette tape recorder;cassette recorder
  1. 最为价廉物美的商品当中还有照相机和盒式磁带录音机。

    Other best buys include cameras and cassette recorders .

  2. 系统具有各种必要的控制及数据线路,可以与CRT、标准键盘、针型行打、EPROM编程器、单面双密度软盘驱动器、盒式磁带录音机等相接。

    This system contains all necessary control and data circuitry to interface with CRT , standard ASCII keyboard , matrix line printer , EPROM programmer , dual single side double density floppy disk drive , cassette tape recorder , etc.

  3. 一台崭新的盒式磁带录音机记录下他们爱的誓言。

    A new cassette recorder recorded their love swear .

  4. GB/T8494-1996盒式磁带录音机磁头总技术条件

    General specification for magnetic heads for cassette tape recorders

  5. GB/T10197-1988盒式磁带录音机运带机构技术要求和测量方法

    Technical requirements and measuring methods for the tape transport mechanism of cassette tape recorders

  6. 盒式磁带录音机,装有或专门连接声学装置和放大器

    Cassette recorder , equipped with or designed to be attached to acoustic devices and an electric amplifier