
  • 网络tape drive;tape deck
  1. 客户端LPAR的VIO虚拟磁带驱动器支持是另一个新创新,该特性允许客户端LPAR访问SAS磁带资源。

    VIOs Virtual tape drive support for client LPARs is another new offering that allows client LPARs access to SAS tape resources .

  2. 首次检查AIX能否识别4mm磁带驱动器时,键入lsdev-Cctape并确保4mm磁带驱动器为“Available”。

    To first check if the AIX recognizes the4mm tape drive , type lsdev-Cc tape and ensure that the4mm tape drive is'Available ' .

  3. SCSI磁带驱动器还提供了一个probe函数,称为stprobe。

    The SCSI tape driver also provides a probe function called st_probe .

  4. 磁带驱动器是顺序存取设备,会通过registerchrdevregion将自身注册为字符设备。

    The tape driver is a sequential access device and registers itself as a character device through register_chrdev_region .

  5. dump和restore使用磁带驱动器和提供广泛选项的文件设备。

    Dump and restore work with tape drives and file devices providing a wide range of options .

  6. 它还能够减少将磁带驱动器附加到不同LPAR的麻烦。

    It also reduces the headache of having to attach tape drives to different LPARs .

  7. SCSI磁带驱动器在./linux/drivers/scsi/st.c内实现。

    The SCSI tape driver is implemented in . / linux / drivers / scsi / st.c.

  8. SCSI磁带驱动器还会导出srinitcommand,以将请求转换成SCSICD-ROM读或写请求。

    The SCSI tape driver also exports an sr_init_command that turns a request into a SCSI CD-ROM read or write request .

  9. dev/nst0引用第一个SCSI磁带驱动器,不过是以非重绕的模式引用。

    The / dev / nst0 refers to the first SCSI tape , but in a non-rewind mode .

  10. SCSI磁带驱动器的独特之处在于,如果可能,它可以直接从用户空间执行I/O传输。

    The SCSI tape driver is unique in that it performs I / O transfers directly from user space , if possible .

  11. 与并行SCSI一样,SAS是一种用于在硬盘和磁带驱动器等计算机存储设备之间传输数据的技术。

    Like parallel SCSI , it is a data-transfer technology designed to move data to and from computer storage devices such as hard drives and tape drives .

  12. 在具有多个LPAR的p5系统中,如果您采用磁带驱动器,那么这个处理过程将变得比较复杂。

    With a p5 system that has multiple LPARs , this process becomes a little more cumbersome if you order a tape drive .

  13. 在创建mksysb镜像之前,您需要为希望备份的LPAR分配磁带驱动器。

    Before creating the mksysb image , you need to allocate the tape drive to the LPAR you want to back up .

  14. 例如,要显示有关磁带驱动器rmt0的详细信息,可输入以下命令

    For example , to display details about the tape drive , rmt0 , type

  15. 在完成mksysb后,您应该从该LPAR处释放磁带驱动器,从该设备中取出磁带驱动器,插入新的磁带驱动器,将该驱动器分配到另一个LPAR,并且重复这个过程。

    After completing the mksysb , you would then deallocate the drive from that LPAR , remove the tape from the drive , insert a new one , allocate the drive to another LPAR , and repeat the process .

  16. 密度:不同的磁带驱动器使用不同的磁带密度。

    Density : Different tape drives use different density settings .

  17. 无法检测到磁带驱动器或磁带媒体。

    Unable to detect tape drive or tape media .

  18. 包括磁带驱动器、磁头和相应控制器的一种装置。

    A device containing a tape drive , magnetic head , and associated controls .

  19. 您可以将服务器备份到磁带驱动器或硬盘。

    You can back up the server to a tape drive or hard disk .

  20. 备份可以保存到远程网络设备、磁带驱动器和其他可移动媒体上。

    Backups can be done to remote network devices , tape drives , and other removable media .

  21. 这种方法很容易实现,并且只需要服务器上安装磁带驱动器即可。

    It was easy to do , as long as the server had a tape drive in it .

  22. 您只能备份到内部硬盘,外部硬盘或磁带驱动器。

    You can back up only to internal hard disks , external hard disks , or tape drives .

  23. 媒体副本被停用。计算机必须至少有两个磁带驱动器用于远程存储制作媒体副本

    Media copies are disabled . Your computer must have at least two tape drives attached for Remote Storage to make media copies

  24. 在磁带驱动器中没有找到磁带。请插入空白磁带(如有必要,关闭磁带驱动器门)。

    No tape was found in your tape drive . Please insert a blank tape ( and close your tape drive door if necessary ) .

  25. 所有这些设备文件包含了不同属性,但都引用了相同的物理磁带驱动器0,且能任意使用。

    All these device files contain different attributes but refer to the same physical tape drive , 0 , and can be used at will .

  26. 备份工具无法连接到可移动存储服务。在使用磁带驱动器和其它备份设备时,需要这一服务。

    The Backup Utility cannot connect to the Removable Storage service . This service is required for use of tape drives and other backup devices .

  27. 我不得不从一类杂志的原游戏自己的源代码,然后我可以将它保存到我的磁带驱动器。

    I had to type the source code for the original game myself from a magazine , before I could save it to my cassette drive .

  28. 备份向导无法检测磁带驱动器。强烈建议您备份到可以非现场存储的磁带或其他便携式媒体。

    The Backup Wizard could not detect a tape drive . We strongly recommend that you back up to tape or other portable media that can be stored offsite .

  29. 选择更换备份磁带并清洗驱动器的负责人。此负责人将按计划运行备份的天数接收日历请求。

    Select the person who will be responsible for changing the backup tapes and cleaning the drive . This person will receive a calendar request for the day ( s ) that backup is scheduled to run .

  30. 该清洗磁带不能再清洗驱动器。不能重新使用。

    This cleaning cartridge can no longer clean drives . It should not be reused in the future .