- 名cement fineness

The Measurement of Cement Fineness by Photosedimentation Technique
The cement fineness has no influence on the diffusion coefficient of chlorideion in concrete .
Research on methods for measuring superfine cement fineness ;
The influential factors on fineness of wet ground cement are also discussed .
The dry-wet cycle damage of concrete aggravates with the increase of cement fineness .
This paper has made the simple introduction to the cement degree of fineness basic concept .
The depth of carbonation reduces with the increase of cement fineness for the same carbonation period .
Obvious impact factor on 28 strength and anti-penetration coefficient is cement delicacy , dosage of activated agent and phosphorus slag delicacy is ordinary factor ;
The results show that this technique has the advantage of simple operation , high reliability and easy spread in application for measuring cement fineness .
With finely ground cement taken in the OBCSs , the hydration of cement accelerates but the hydration heat evolved decreases . Advance in Reactive Thermal Spraying
In this paper , the influence of cement fineness upon the cement properties is analyzed and the related technique measures suitable for the new standard are given .
The results showed that it hadn 't obvious influences on hydration of pure cement when its fineness increased from 4 500cm2 / g to 5 500cm2 / g.
The simulation data show that the fineness of cement exerts more significant influence on the mean value of the nearest surface spacing between neighboring particles than w / b ratio .
Great improvement must be made on the traditional design ideology exist in plant scale , cement fineness , size distribution , quarry design , raw materials , raw meal grinding and burning etc.
This article starting with the cement fineness and composition , and the box girder early maintenance measure , in order to provide the new means to solve the box body early time non-structural cracks problem to continuous rigid & frame bridge , and enhance its durability .
Energy Saving by Controlling Cement Fineness and Mixing with Active Additions
How to improve cement fineness economically and effectively is a problem concerned by cement enterprise .
Study on the Relationship between the Fineness of High-calcium Fly Ash Cement System and Its Strength of Mortar
The main technical measures to increase the cement grinding fineness are to improve the mill structure and using grinding agent .
Studied the influence of the fineness of the cement with high calcium fly ash and active agent on the physical properties .
It is the effective measure to increase the adding rate of slag by grinding differently to increase the slag ′ s powder grinding fineness . Energy Saving by Controlling Cement Fineness and Mixing with Active Additions
Refers to the correlation stipulation of present standard in our country , the domestic and foreign actual projects , as well as the existing research results , it proposed the recommendation target to the cement fineness and composition of continuous rigid & frame bridge .
The higher demand in the fineness of six common cements was claimed by the new cement standard .
The effect of OMC on the cement grinding was studied by the measurement of cement fineness , specific surface area and angle of repose .
Influence of cement compositions and grinding fineness on concrete durability and improving way
Fineness Test Research by Execute New Cement Standard
The results indicate that both kinds of grinding aids increase the powder fineness and the Blain 's values considerably .
It is pointed that a feature parameter assessing the fineness of the cementitious repair materials is particle size distribution , but not specific surface area .
The study adopts four token methods : specific surface , packing density , uniformity coefficient and fractal dimension , and used these methods to describe the finesse and particle distribution of the slag cement particle group .
Slag powder and cement which have various finenesses were blended in different proportions . The relationship between the fineness coordination of slag-cement and mortar strength of slag cement ( expression in activity index ) at a certain slag content was studied .