- 名cement grade;strength grading of cement

The influence of cement grade and Particle diameter of crushed stone on the cost of the concrete
Cross experiment was carried out by controling varieties of cement , cement grade , water-cement ratio , mortar ratio , mixed materials , and age . freeze-thaw cycle the preparation of cement mortar block and strength test .
A discussion on determination of strength grading of magnesium Oxychloride Cement
The total weighted cracking value increases with increasing strength grade of cement ;
Discussion on the Allowance Coefficient of Cement Mark
Economic Analysis on the Selection of Adaptable Strength Numbers of Cement to the Marine Sturcture Concrete and Application of Ligno-calcium Concrete
The cement has a strength of grade ~ # 325 ~ ~ # 425 , and has high-early strength and high bending strength .
Raising the cement index does good to the early age strength of RCC with high volume fly ash , but it is unfavourable to later period increasing extent of flexural strength .
This paper analyses the influence of cement / sand ratio , grade of cement mixing processes , variety and added quantity of polymer and fiber , curing system on binding mortar properties .
The method of determination of strength grading of Magnesium Oxychloride Cement is reported and discussed in this paper .
Cement below No.400 is low-grade cement .
A new type of M5 ~ M15 recycled dry-mixed mortar was made from activity concrete powders mixed with appropriate fly ash , phosphogypsum and a little cement .
Prediction model of frost-resistance grade for pavement cement concrete
Lower solubility of alkaline substances was observed in high_grade cement compared with that of low_grade cement .
In accordance with the features of design and construction of the concrete rockfill dam in cold region , the requirements of the durability design for seepage control structures are as follows .
In the kiln production , the grade of cement is lower and quality is unsteady .
The activated fly ash , when used as cement blend , can either improve the quality of the cement or heighten the ratio of fly ash in the cement .
By adding suitable amount of ultra fine slag powder or two kinds of ultra fine powders , 425 grade ordinary portland cement could be changed to 525 grade to meet the requirement of market for the high grade cement .
Lime saturation rate ( KH value ) is an easily fluctuate value in cement production . It influences directly on the cement strength .
The technical properties of the plastic concrete , disposed by the cement produced in rotary kiln and ordinary cement of high grade , obviously superiors to the plastic concrete disposed by the cement produced in shaft kiln , of low grade and having large admixture dosage ;