
  • 网络cement setting
  1. 方镁石一般和中间相伴随生长,尺寸大约为14μm。随着熟料中MgO含量的增加,水泥凝结时间延长,强度下降。

    Periclase generally growth with the intermediate phase , the most size of the periclase is 14 μ m. With the increasing content of MgO in clinker , cement setting time , strength is decreased .

  2. 在此基础上,又研究了不同水灰比条件下,JA速凝剂对铁铝酸盐水泥凝结时间的影响情况,同时探索了该速凝剂对铁铝酸盐水泥强度的影响规律。

    Based on this result , the effect of the JA accelerating agent on the cement setting time is analyzed under different water cement ratios , and the rules governing such effect are also presented .

  3. 熟料中P2O5含量超过一定范围时,水泥凝结变慢,早期强度显著下降。

    When P_2O_5 in the clinker exceeds a certain limit , the setting time of cement becomes longer and the early strength is reduced significantly .

  4. 所以,高碱水泥凝结快,1~3d硬化浆体的孔隙少、强度高;7~28d硬化浆体的孔隙多、强度低。

    So the high alkali cements are of quick setting , higher early strength , and lower porosity at 1 to 3 days , but of higher porosity and lower strength at 7 to 28 days .

  5. 早期水化形成的钙矾石,起到填充空隙作用,和C-S-H凝胶一起构成硬化浆体的骨架,有利于促进水泥凝结和提高早期强度。

    Ettringite formed during early hydration filled the porous space , which contributed together with C-S-H gel to shorten the setting time and to improve the early strength of cement .

  6. 介绍了BF、TH、FQ三种缓凝剂不同掺量对碱矿渣水泥凝结时间和强度的影响,并做了混凝土试验,介绍了工程应用情况。

    Effect of different dosage of the three retarders as BF , TH and FQ on the setting time and strength of alkali - slag cement was introduced . The engineering application of this cement was also discussed in this paper .

  7. 试验结果表明:当硫酸铝渣以3%~10%等量替代部分矿渣作混合材时,可缩短水泥凝结时间,提高水泥28d强度,但标准稠度需水量明显增加。

    Test results showed that using 3 % ~ 10 % aluminum sulfate tailings replaced equivalent blast-furnace slag as mixed materials , the setting time of the cement can be shortened obviously , and the 28d strength of cement is also increased .

  8. 熟料的化学成分、不同的烧成温度、熟料中的碱(R2O)含量和窑内还原气氛是影响硫铝酸盐水泥凝结时间的主要因素。

    The main factors influencing setting time of sulpho-aluminate cement are chemical compositions of clinker , different sintering temperature , alkali content ( R2O ) in clinker and reduction atmosphere within kilns .

  9. 缓凝剂种类对油井水泥凝结时间的影响同步辐射时间分辨荧光光谱技术时间的形状从多丽丝·塞尔萨多的作品谈材料处理与时间体验

    Effect of different retardants on the coagulating time of oil-well cement

  10. 传统不可割裂。区域性水泥凝结性能的研究和讨论

    Study and discussion on setting property of cements in Guangxi autonomous region

  11. 烟气脱硫灰对水泥凝结时间的影响

    Effect of desulphurize slag on setting time of cement

  12. 水泥凝结时间的工艺研究

    A study of technology for coagulating time of cement

  13. 磷石膏的微量组分及其对水泥凝结、水化和硬化的影响

    Micro-components in phosphogypsum and their effects on cement setting , hydration and hardening

  14. 粉煤灰掺量和细度对水泥凝结时间的影响

    Effect of amount and fineness of fly ash on setting time of cement

  15. 调凝型外加剂对水泥凝结硬化性能的影响

    The Influence on the Coagulation and Hardening of Cements with Set Controlling Admixtures

  16. 高掺量缓凝剂对水泥凝结硬化性能的影响

    The Effect of Some Retarders at High Doses on the Setting and Hydration of Cement

  17. 磷渣对硅酸盐水泥凝结时间的影响及机理

    Influence of phosphorous slag on the setting time of portland cement and its mechanism analysis

  18. 影响硫铝酸盐水泥凝结时间的因素

    Factors influencing setting time of sulpho-aluminate cement

  19. 微集料对超速凝超早强水泥凝结硬化的作用

    Action of Microaggregate in Setting and Hardening for Super Quick Setting and Super High Early Strength Cement

  20. 早强组分可缩短水泥凝结时间,但掺量不宜太大;

    The accelerator can shorten the setting time , the dosage yet can not be too much .

  21. 详细分析了组成材料和化学成分对复合水泥凝结时间和强度的影响。

    The influence of the strength and setting time of the materials components and chemical elements is analysed .

  22. 研究了不同掺量、不同细度的几种粉煤灰对水泥凝结时间的影响。

    The effect of several fly ash with different amount and fineness on the setting time of cement is studied .

  23. 尽管该水泥凝结慢、早强低,但在水中养护强度能不断增长。

    Although the setting time of PBC was slow and the early strength was low , but its strength increased continuously cured in water .

  24. 复经水泥凝结硬化在砼中形成一种多孔结构,这程砼称之为载气体多孔砼。

    Then it is followed by cement setting and hardening and a cellular structure is formed in the concrete , which is called gas-carrier cellular concrete .

  25. 结果表明,三元复合缓蚀剂具有良好的缓蚀效果且不会对水泥凝结时间和强度产生不良影响。

    The results show that composite inhibitors have excellent corrosion inhibition efficiency and won 't give bad effect on cement setting time 、 flexural strength and compressive strength .

  26. 本论文在无碱液态的前提下,通过试验探讨了几种无机盐单独或复合添加和聚合硫酸铝对水泥凝结性能的影响规律。

    The effect of some kinds of inorganic salts and polymerized aluminum sulfate on the setting behavior of ordinary Portland cement was discussed in laboratory under the prerequisite of alkali-free and liquid .

  27. 研究了矿渣、粉煤灰和烧页岩单掺及复掺对高阿利特水泥凝结时间、抗压强度、电阻率、水化产物组成及微观结构的影响。

    The effect of slag , fly ash , and calcined shale on setting time , compressive strength , resistivity , composition and microstructure of hydrated product of alite-rich Portland cement were studied .

  28. 混凝土结构的污泥消化池在使用中池体严重泄漏沼气,其原因是水泥凝结时形成的毛细孔孔径远大于甲烷分子直径所致。

    Methane leakage is observed eventually on sludge digester of concrete structure , because the aperture of the porous formed in the cement condensation is bigger than the diameter of the methane molecule .

  29. 试验同时指出,高钛矿渣的掺入,明显提高了胶砂流动性,减少了流动度的经时损失,延缓了水泥凝结时间。

    The study shows that the flow ability has been greatly improved and its loss has been reduced , while the time of paste hardening has been delayed by adding the high-Ti BFS powder .

  30. 通过化学和红外光谱分析,由SO4~(2-)溶出量和掺不同量F~-的水泥凝结时间表明,F~-是影响吴凇矿渣水泥掺木质素磺酸钙异常凝结的重要因素。

    SO_4 ~ ( 2 - ) extraction determined and setting time measurement of cements with various F ~ - contents show that F ~ - is a major factor affecting abnormal setting of Wusong slag cement added with calcium lignosulphonate .