
shuǐ jīnɡ ɡōnɡ
  • the Crystal Palace;the Crystal Palace of the Dragon King
水晶宫 [shuǐ jīng gōng]
  • [the crystal palace of the Dragon king] 传说中的水下宫殿,为龙王所居住

  1. 到英国后再用火车将他们送往水晶宫。

    On arriving in England , they were taken to the Crystal Palace by train .

  2. 水晶宫是为1851年的世界博鉴会而在海德公园内兴建的。

    The Crystal Palace was built in Hyde Park for the Great Exhibition of 1851 .

  3. 他以250万英镑的身价从水晶宫队转入阿森纳队。

    He was transferred from Crystal Palace to Arsenal for £ 2.5 million .

  4. 1851年,英国仅用8个月时间就建成了水晶宫(CrystalPalace)这座宏伟的展览中心。

    It took just eight months to build the grand Crystal Palace exhibition centre in 1851 .

  5. 一家中国开发商在伦敦东南部重建著名的水晶宫(CrystalPalace)建筑的计划注定仍是一个梦,此前失去耐心的地方议会退出了谈判。

    Plans by a Chinese developer to build a replica of the famous Crystal Palace structure in south east London are set to remain a dream , after the local council ran out of patience and withdrew from negotiations .

  6. 拥有水晶宫原址土地控制权的布罗姆利区地方议会(BromleyCouncil)表示,仍在继续与中融集团开展保密磋商。不过,如今“如果有人提出”对该地段的任何其他开发方案,他们也会“认真听取”。

    Bromley council , which controls the land , said that confidential discussions with the Zhongrong group were continuing but they would now " listen if approached " to any other development proposals for the site .

  7. 管弦乐队将在水晶宫圆形音乐厅演出。

    The orchestra will play at the Crystal Palace concert bowl .

  8. 水晶宫雕塑公园,伦敦,英国

    Crystal Palace , sculpture park , london , uk , 2003

  9. 他的主队是水晶宫队,他也喜欢看贝壳踢球。

    Crystal Palace are his team , and he also adores watching David Beckham .

  10. 哦,水晶宫。

    I 'm John , with me Oliver . We 're at Crystal Palace .

  11. 早期的博览会与博览建筑&伦敦水晶宫展厅

    Early Expo and Expo Construction & Exhibition Hall of ' Crystal Palace ' in London

  12. 这样,你躺在那里,就象是置身在北极的水晶宫中央的一颗温暖的火星。

    Then there you lie like the one warm spark in the heart of an arctic crystal .

  13. 水晶宫被毁

    The Crystal Palace was destroyed

  14. 在19世纪中期,伴随着伦敦水晶宫的建成,

    In the middle of the 19th century , with the construction of the Crystal Palace in London ,

  15. 我曾经祈祷利物浦能在联赛杯对阵米堡,但他们却输给了水晶宫。

    I was praying Liverpool would get Boro in the Carling Cup but they lost to Crystal Palace .

  16. 他们同是水晶宫跳水俱乐部的成员并且一起在水晶宫国家运动中心训练。

    They were part of Crystal Palace Diving Club and trained at the Crystal Palace National Sports Centre .

  17. 不过许多城市业已举办过了,1851年,伦敦在如今已毁的水晶宫首开先河。

    But many cities had already held them , beginning in1851 with London , in its now-ruined Crystal Palace .

  18. 水晶宫举行的运动会将成为今年体育记事录上的一大事件。

    The athletics meeting at Crystal Palace promises to be a major event in this year 's sporting calendar .

  19. 1851年在伦敦赶建水晶宫时,最早使用预制建筑。

    One of the earliest uses of prefabrication was in the rapid construction of the Crystal Palace in London in1851 .

  20. 这个框架,只有一些轻轻的覆盖,对于我这个建造者来说,就如同置身于一个水晶宫里。

    This frame , so slightly clad , was a sort of crystallization around me , and reacted on the builder .

  21. 呔,哪来的尖嘴猴子,擅闯水晶宫,你也不怕我王老八?

    Who is this lean-faced monkey making his uninvited presence at the crystal palace ? Aren 't you afraid of me ?

  22. 国米似乎下定决心要完成这笔交易,这样他们可以将左后卫科科出售给水晶宫。

    Inter are particularly intent on rushing through this move so that they can release left-back Francesco Coco to Crystal Palace .

  23. 迪拜的水晶宫酒店将会是世界上第一个套房型水下酒店,也将会是造价最昂贵的酒店。

    The Hydropolis will be world 's first multi-room underwater hotel and also one of the most expensive hotels even built .

  24. 这座水晶宫不同于世界上所有的其他建筑,因为它是用钢和玻璃建成的。

    The Crystal Palace was different from all other buildings in the world , for it was made of iron and glass .

  25. 公园是1851年世界博览会的举办地,其水晶宫是由约瑟夫-帕克斯顿所设计。

    The park was the site of The Great Exhibition of1851 , for which the Crystal Palace was designed by Joseph Paxton .

  26. 水晶宫原址地块属于布罗姆利区地方议会所有,被指定为城市公共土地,这意味其开发要受到种种限制。

    The site is owned by Bromley council and designated as metropolitan open land , meaning there are restrictions on what can be developed .

  27. 塞萨尔越来越接近转会国米,同时还将包括几笔交易牵涉到佛罗伦萨、水晶宫和马德里竞技。

    Cesar 's increasingly likely switch to Inter will set several more moves in motion , including fiorentina , Crystal Palace and Atletico madrid .

  28. 曼联经理说莫里森将在对水晶宫的联赛杯1/4决赛中“至少担任替补”。

    The United manager said Morrison would be " on the bench at least " for the Carling Cup quarter-final against Crystal Palace on Wednesday .

  29. 实际上,楼塔是由约瑟夫·帕克斯顿(世界著名水晶宫的创建者)为梅尔罗斯柴尔德男爵所建。

    The towers were actually created by Joseph Paxton ( the creator of the world famous Crystal Palace ) for the Baron Mayer de Rothschild .

  30. 在伦敦南部的水晶宫,你仍然可以看到世界上有史以来第一个恐龙展览。

    Here in Crystal Palace in south London , you can still see the first dinosaur exhibition that was ever built anywhere in the world .