
  • 网络Shale Gas;coal seam gas;fractured shale gas
  1. 在美国页岩气的繁荣势头使欧洲以外的需求消失殆尽后,这些货物的价格大幅下跌。

    Prices on those cargoes tumbled after the shale gas boom in the United States dried up demand outside Europe .

  2. 波兰在克林姆林宫心中的重要性同其国内页岩气的前景一样在不断的提升。

    The importance of Poland in the Kremlin 's eyes has grown along with the prospects of shale gas in the country .

  3. 北美页岩气的繁荣导致那里的油价创历史新低。

    The   North American   shale   gas   boom   has   resulted   in   record   low   prices   there .

  4. 皮弗说:页岩气革命似乎是一场利好美元的供给冲击(supplyshock)。

    The shale revolution looks like being a positive supply shock for the US dollar , says Mr Pifer .

  5. 然而,包括壳牌(Shell)在内的几家外国公司正致力于页岩气勘探。

    However , several foreign firms , including Shell , are working on shale gas exploration .

  6. 而且,欧盟(EU)也无法回避页岩气对其气候变化政策的影响。

    The EU cannot avoid the impact of shale on its climate change policy , either .

  7. 中海油还在美国完成了一系列收购,包括与切萨皮克能源公司(ChesapeakeEnergy)签署的两笔开采页岩气的重大交易,这些交易没有遭遇监管或政治上的阻力。

    Cnooc has also completed a number of US acquisitions , including two large shale deals with Chesapeake Energy , without regulatory or political resistance .

  8. 中国当局处罚了包括国有石油企业中石化(Sinopec)在内的几家页岩气开发商,原因是它们未能履行投资承诺。

    Chinese authorities have fined shale gas developers including state-owned oil company Sinopec for failing to meet their investment commitments .

  9. 尽管初步结果令人失望,但石油企业中石化(Sinopec)和中石油(PetroChina)已誓言实现中央设定的页岩气生产目标。

    Oil companies Sinopec and PetroChina have vowed to meet centrally-set targets for shale gas production despite disappointing initial results .

  10. Samson拥有包括北达科他的众多页岩气形成物的开采权。

    Samson owns drilling rights in several shale-gas formations , including in North Dakota .

  11. 不过woodmackenzie指出,对于国际油气公司而言,特别是在页岩气领域拥有雄厚知识的公司,也存在有利的一面。

    There is an upside for international oil and gas companies , especially those with strong knowledge in shale gas , wood Mackenzie notes .

  12. WoodMacKenzie的汤盖文(GavinThompson)表示:中国现在还没有生产页岩气,也没有与之相关的监管。

    Gavin Thompson of Wood Mackenzie says : There is no shale gas production in China yet , no shale gas regulation .

  13. 福特沃斯盆地Barnett页岩气藏特征及启示

    Shale Gas Reservoir Characteristics of Barnett Shale Gas Reservoir in Fort Worth Basin

  14. 近几个月来,包括中石油(PetroChina)在内的多家中国石油公司均宣布了海外收购消息,其中一些交易瞄准的是非常规的页岩气。

    A number of Chinese companies , including PetroChina , have announced overseas acquisitions in recent months , several of them focused on unconventional shale gas .

  15. 路透社(Reuters)消息称,尝试开采非常规能源遇到困难后,北京方面将2020年的页岩气开采目标减半到300亿立方米。

    Beijing has halved its target for shale gas production by 2020 to 30bcm , according to Reuters , after efforts to unlock the unconventional fuel ran into difficulties .

  16. 与此同时,美国页岩气供应量大增已经使HenryHub基准价降至2.3美元/mBtu以下,还不到4年前峰值水平的四分之一。

    Meanwhile , the shale gas glut in the US has sent the benchmark Henry Hub price down to below $ 2.30 per mBtu , less than a quarter of its peak four years ago .

  17. 重要的不仅仅是生产率数据;页岩气革命还产生了一些IMF报告没有提及的东西:大西洋两岸的心理差距。

    It is not just the productivity statistics that matter ; what the shale gas revolution has also done is create something that the IMF report does not mention : a transatlantic gap in psychology .

  18. 必和必拓(BHPBilliton)近期从ChesapeakeEnergy公司购得阿肯色州Fayetteville页岩气资产,计划使该页岩气项目的产量比目前水平提高两倍,此举证实了上述观点。

    Supporting this , BHP Billiton plans to triple output from current levels in the Fayetteville shale in Arkansas , the assets that it recently acquired from Chesapeake energy .

  19. IHS环球通视(IHSGlobalInsight)指出,目前页岩气在美国天然气产量中占34%,到2015年时,这一比重将升至43%,年度资本开支将升至480亿美元。

    Shale gas accounts for 34 per cent of US natural gas production and will grow to 43 per cent by 2015 , with annual capital expenditure rising to $ 48bn , IHS Global Insight notes .

  20. 俄克拉荷马州的奥布雷?麦克伦登(AubreyMcClendon)和汤姆?沃德(TomWard)是从事土地租赁的专业人士;作为页岩气领域的先行者,他们成功地建起了美国第二大天然气生产商。

    Aubrey McClendon and Tom Ward of Oklahoma were land-leasing specialists ; they managed to build the nation 's second-largest gas producer by leading the charge into shale fields .

  21. 这一位于华盛顿的工业组织的主席杰克杰拉德(JackGerard)表示,页岩气和石油变革创造了一种改变游戏规则、重塑能源领域蓝图的机会,它需要特定的政策决议。

    Jack Gerard , president of the Washington-based industry group , said the shale gas and oil revolution was creating a game-changing opportunity to reshape the energy landscape that required specific policy decisions .

  22. 据美国能源信息署(EIA)估算,中国的页岩气储量比美国更大。在美国,对页岩气的商业化开采已经改变了能源格局,并戏剧性地降低了天然气价格。

    The US Energy Information Agency estimates that China has larger shale gas reserves than the US , where commercial shale gas extraction has transformed the energy landscape and dramatically lowered the price of natural gas .

  23. 日本福岛第一(FukushimaDaiichi)核电站融毁事故后民众的反核电情绪,加上廉价页岩气投放市场(主要在北美),意味着发达市场的核反应堆建造商无法依赖国内市场的增长。

    Anti-nuclear sentiment after the Fukushima Daiichi meltdowns in Japan , coupled with cheap shale gas primarily in North America , mean reactor builders in developed markets cannot rely on growth at home .

  24. 该基金对中资银行和食品企业进行了一系列投资,并在今年5月联手淡马锡,斥资10亿美元入股领先的美国页岩气生产商ChesapeakeEnergy。

    The fund made a series of investments in Chinese banks and food producers , and in May joined with Temasek in a $ 1bn deal to acquire a stake in Chesapeake Energy , a leading US producer of natural gas from shale rock .

  25. 同时,基于Langmuir等温吸附理论,进行页岩气吸附能力和气体赋存形式研究;建立页岩孔径与比表面,以及孔径与吸附气量、游离气量理论关系式。

    Second , based on the Langmuir isothermal adsorption theory , the adsorption characters and the gas occurrence are studied . Theoretical formula to illustrate the relationship among specific surface , pore diameters and adsorption amount are established .

  26. 埃克森美孚也没能关注页岩气开采――尽管该公司位于德克萨斯州欧文(Irving)的总部正下方就是一个最终开掘出天然气的巨大页岩层。

    Exxon Mobil also failed to focus on this rock & even though its corporate headquarters in Irving , Texas , were directly above a huge shale formation that eventually would flow with gas .

  27. 如今,页岩气革命正由北美向欧洲和亚洲蔓延,尤其是在中国,据美国能源信息署(eia)近日估计,中国的页岩气储量可能超过美国。

    The shale revolution is now spreading beyond North America to Europe and Asia , especially China , which could have even larger shale resources than the US , according to a recent estimate by the US energy information administration .

  28. 在过去3年里,出口能力不足,加上页岩气产量猛涨导致美国天然气进口量低于预期水平,使得LNG的供应量和运输需求均低于油轮运营公司的预期。

    In the previous three years a shortage of export capacity and smaller-than-expected demand from the US for imported gas , due to surging shale gas production , had meant both the supply of LNG and demand to ship it had fallen short of tanker operators ' expectations .

  29. 不过,今后YPF和阿根廷政府必须在没有西方石油巨头提供资本、技术和替罪羊的情况下,开发在VacaMuerta(死牛)发现的丰富页岩气了。

    But it and the Argentine government must now develop its huge shale gas discovery at Vaca Muerta ( Dead Cow ) without a western oil major to provide capital , technology and someone to blame .

  30. 这位英国石油前老板本人仍在能源行业拥有利益,目前是页岩气勘探商Cuadrilla的董事会成员。

    The former BP boss still has interests in the energy sector himself , and is on the board of Cuadrilla , a shale gas explorer set to drill wells in the UK .