
xī yān shì
  • smoking room
  1. 电动车组吸烟室的空气净化系统

    Air Purification System for Smoking Room on EMUs

  2. 这里不仅是图书室。尼摩船长说,同时又是吸烟室。

    This room isn 't only a library , Captain Nemo said , it 's also a smoking room .

  3. 保罗·墨菲(PaulMurphy)开设码头浮雕(CrocketsontheQuay)餐吧已有十年。他说,在我们建了‘吸烟室’之后,吸烟者真的密切联系在一起了。

    After we built the ' smoking shed ,' said Paul Murphy , who owned Crockets on the Quay for a decade , the smokers really bonded .

  4. 它让人想起了罗马菲乌米奇诺机场(Fiumicino)荒唐的吸烟室。

    It is reminiscent of the absurd smoking chamber of Rome 's Fiumicino airport .

  5. 如果你抽烟的话,可以到吸烟室吸烟。

    If you smoke , the smoking rooms to be smoking .

  6. 请您到候机室内的吸烟室吸烟。

    You can go to the smoking areas in the waiting lounge .

  7. 这间房是留作吸烟室的。

    This room is put apart for smoking .

  8. 吸烟室在哪里?

    Where 's the smoking car ?

  9. 相反,我有一个更好的建议:将原来的吸烟室改装成骂人室。

    Instead , I have a better suggestion : to convert old smoking rooms into swearing rooms .

  10. 他讲一些离奇的内幕新闻和一些打猎聚会上或吸烟室里的故事来款待年轻人。

    He entertained the young men with queer little anecdotes and stories on their shooting parties or in their smoking-room .

  11. 在禁烟令生效之前,办公室可能会在不同的楼层、或者针对不同部门设置吸烟室。

    In the pre-ban days , offices might have had smoking rooms located on different floors or to serve various departments .

  12. 这正是东京的烟民们所经历的,因为日本烟草公司推出了一种由拖车改装而成的自由吸烟室。

    That 's what Tokyo smokers got when Japan Tobacco Inc. rolled out a trailer that was remodeled for use as a free-smoking space .

  13. 因此,宝马提供了一个吸烟室,在去年实行全面禁烟之后,该公司在库房附近辟出了一块地方。

    So a smoking room was provided and when the ban came in last year , the company used a space adjacent to the warehouse .

  14. 酒店所在的建筑是一栋经过华丽翻修的18世纪大厦,以彩色玻璃窗为装饰,里面有一家非常棒的雪茄商店,以及一个私密的吸烟室。

    A gorgeously restored 18th-century mansion adorned with stained-glass windows , the hotel also has an excellent cigar shop , plus an intimate smokers lounge .

  15. 阿尔贝擦擦眼睛,吩咐仆人让波尚在楼下的小吸烟室里稍候,他很快地穿好衣服,走下楼去。

    Albert rubbed his eyes , ordered his servant to introduce him into the small smoking-room on the ground-floor , dressed himself quickly , and went down .

  16. 最新的休息厅中将接待商务舱和头等舱乘客,拥有两间会议室,一间吸烟室,且安装有淋浴设施、一间服务周到的酒吧和数个工作间。

    The new lounge , accessible to first-and business-class passengers , will feature two conference rooms , shower facilities , a smoking lounge , a full-service bar and several workstations .

  17. 入夜之后,我爬上楼,走进爸爸的吸烟室,手里拿着两张稿纸,上面写着我的故事。

    That evening , I climbed the stairs and walked into Baba 's smoking room , in my hands the two sheets of paper on which I had scribbled the story .

  18. 而且其奢华程度也极为少见——兴登堡号甚至同时配备有为它特别设计的轻小型钢琴和吸烟室。

    It was just as luxurious as it was enormous -- it even had a specially designed lightweight baby grand piano on board , and , paradoxically , a smoking lounge .

  19. 突然之间,你之前一直偷瞄的、房间另一端不可接近的那个女孩,现在就在吸烟室里站你的旁边,跟你借火,墨菲面带微笑说,这至少促成了一对夫妻。

    Suddenly that unapproachable girl you had always seen from across the room was standing beside you in the smoking shed asking you for a light , Mr. Murphy added , with a smile . At least one marriage came out of that .

  20. 在热闹的巴利纳镇(人口1.1万人),该镇最大的酒吧—餐馆的前老板说,禁烟令的其中一项争议——酒吧可以建单独的带有通风设施的吸烟室——实际上有利于他的生意,活跃了该镇的约会景象。

    In bustling Ballina ( population , 11000 ) , the former owner of the largest bar-restaurant in town said that one of the ban 's controversial elements - pubs being allowed to build separate smoking rooms with ventilation - actually increased his business and enlivened the town 's dating scene .

  21. 空气过滤器可用于空气或可能需要加以宣泄直接向外界,特别是从禁止吸烟客房,打印室,复制室和其他地方的包含许多化学物或污染物。

    Air filters can be used or air may need to be vented directly to the outside , especially from smoking rooms , print rooms , copy rooms and other places that contain many chemicals or contaminants .