
  • 网络Bud
  1. 香蕉吸芽苗内生真菌及其根际土壤真菌的鉴定

    Identification of endophytic fungi from sucker plants of banana and fungi in rhizosphere soil

  2. 外植体以冠芽更好;但是以吸芽为外植体,资源更充足、可取材时间延长,更适合大规模生产应用。

    The crown bud is the best explant , but sucker is suit for cosmically production .

  3. 抗坏血酸预处理阻止香蕉吸芽外植体褐变的研究初报

    A preliminary study on preventing Brown turning of sucker explants from banana by ascorbic acid pre-treatment

  4. 以香蕉台湾8号的花序为材料,以吸芽为对照,研究了花序组织直接诱导芽丛的培养效果。

    Comparing with sucker tissue , the effect of inflorescence tissue from banana , Var. Taiwan No.

  5. 以香蕉吸芽为材料,研究不同季节取材、消毒方法、继代培养容器外表面的臭氧灭菌处理和简易大棚炼苗环境的甲醛熏蒸对控制香蕉工厂化繁殖中微生物污染的效果。

    Suckers of banana were employed to investigated the effects of materials collected in different season , disinfection method of explants , suffumigation in simple plastic greenhouse and treatment of culture containers with ozone on controlling microbial contamination during commercializing propagation of banana seedlings .