
  • 网络Juvenile Sports School;youth sports school
  1. 福州市少体校运动员营养调查

    A Survey on Athletic Nutrition in Fuzhou Adolescent sports School

  2. 对上海市少体校教练员领导行为的研究

    Research on Leading Behavior of Coach of Children Sports School in Shanghai

  3. 少体校的现状及发展

    Present Situation and Development of Youth Sports Schools

  4. 对合肥市少体校武术运动员练习武术目的的调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis on Wushu Players ' Practicing Motivation in Hefei Juvenile Sports School

  5. 福建省少体校武术套路教练员执教能力的调查分析

    The Investigate and Analysis of The Teaching Ability of The Martial Art Coaches of Fujian Young Physical Training School

  6. 影响业余少体校排球运动员训练态度因素的研究

    A Study on the Factors Which Affect the Attitude of the Volleyball Players from Amateur Sports School in Training

  7. 河北省少体校女子短跑运动员上下肢关节肌肉力矩比率的研究

    Study on Muscle Torque Rate of Upper and Lower Limbs ' Joints of Female Sprinters in Hebei Juvenile Sports School

  8. 而少体校学生常常抱怨在词汇学习中遇到很多困难。

    However , the students in athletic sports school ( ASS ) often complain about having encountered a lot of difficulties in vocabulary acquisition .

  9. 各组左、右膝关节的伸肌快速力与绝对力量的比值均值小于屈肌,特别是运动员和少体校组差异明显;

    The ratio of high-speed strength and absolute strength of left and right knee extensors was lower than that of flexors , particularly for athletes and young sports schools students .

  10. 研究以少体校运动员参加高一级体校招生考试的测验为应激情境,比较练习条件下和测验条件下被试几项认知机能指标的变化。

    This study set up a stress situation , which was a test of athletes selection , and compared the data of some indices of cognitive function between daily practice and the test .

  11. 1993年4月对福州市少体校24名运动员进行五日称重法膳食调查,对该校130名运动员进行体格检查和血红蛋白测定。

    The dietary status of twenty-four athletes in Fuzhou Adolescent Sports School Was investigated by weight for five-days in April . 1993 . Also , physical examination was given to 130 athletes and their hemoglobin determinated at meantime .

  12. 结果显示:影响业余少体校排球运动员训练态度的主要因素中,教练员因素、自身因素、社会支持因素对运动员训练行为的影响显得最为重要。

    The Influence Factor of Sport Aerobics of its Own on Joining to the Olympic Games The result indicates that , among the main factors , the most important ones are the coaches , the player himself and the support from the society .

  13. 受我国长期计划经济体制的影响,我国篮球后备人才主要以“举国体制”为主,“少体校-青年队-国家队”的培养模式,俱乐部后备人才靠自身二线队伍培养。

    Because of the influence of the long-term planned economy system , Chinese basketball reserve athletes are mainly trained in " national system " pattern , that is " children 's sports school-youth team-National-team " . And club reserve athletes come from youth team .

  14. 方法1995年3~5月对福州市少体校32名游泳运动员进行8周膳食营养调查,实验组给予平衡膳食并每日补充钙制剂和维生素片剂。

    Methods Nutrient meal was serving for adolescent swimming athletes in Fuzhou Adolescent Sports School for 8 weeks from March to April in 1995 . In the experimental group , athletes were served with balanced diet and supplied with Calcium ( Ca ), Vitamins according to athletic RDA .

  15. 由此导致的结果是,愿上体校的学生越来越少,体校招生越来越困难,竞技体育后备人才严重匮乏,前途令人担忧。

    This result is that students who would like less and less on the sports school , sports school enrollment more difficult , severe shortage of sports talents , the future is worrisome .