
  • 网络Chuanjiang River
  1. “川江号子”是四川民歌中川江船工劳作时所唱的劳动号子。

    " Chuanjiang Haozi " is one of the work songs sung by boat trackers when toiling along the Chuanjiang River .

  2. 川江匹配桨试验研究

    Experimental research of the matching oar for a pusher in Szechwan river

  3. 从岷江号的实践刍议川江侧壁式气垫船的发展

    Development of Side & Wall Hovercrafts in Sichuan River

  4. 三峡大坝建设与川江航运展望

    Construction of the Three Gorges Dam and Prospect of Shipping on Chuan Jiang

  5. 川江号子的形成、内容与文化精神

    The Formation , Content and Cultural Spirits of the Working Song on the Yangze River

  6. 长江中上游(川江部分)防护林体系综合效益评价

    The Synthetical Benefit Evaluation of the Protection Forest in Upper Section of the Yangtze River

  7. 潜坝在川江航道整治中的应用

    Application of Submerged Dike in Channel Regulation

  8. 地震背景下的川江流域泥沙与河床演变问题研究进展

    Advances in Studies of River Sediment and Fluvial Processes of the Upper-Yangtze River in Earthquake Background

  9. 旅游、减少有害气体排放、改善川江航道和水库养殖,也是三峡工程的重要功能;

    Toured TGP , Reduced harmful gases and enhanced navigation powers were importance functions of TGP , too .

  10. 渝宜段川江水系的历史分布与变迁普氏原羚在内蒙古的历史分布和现状调查

    The Distribution and Change of River Systems in the Changjiang River from Chongqing to Yichang in Historic Times

  11. 长江上游川江流域林业土壤资源评价

    An Evaluation on the Forestry Soil Resources in Sichuan Region of the Upper Reaches of the Changjiang River

  12. 川江汽车滚装船安全事故防范的关键是科学管理。

    The key of guard countermeasure in accident of safety for vehicle rolling ship is a scientific administration .

  13. 川江中下游护岸林淤沙能力评估模型的研究

    Research on Evaluation Model for Riverbank Protection Forest Sand Accumulation along the Main Branches of Changjiang River in Sichuan Province

  14. 对宜宾-重庆段川江高阶地的重矿物种类及其含量做了判别分析,得到了比较理想的结果。当代金刚石找矿工作中的重砂法

    Stepwise discrimination analysis has been used in the study of heavy mineral assemblage . HEAVY MINERAL METHOD FOR DIAMOND PROSPECTING

  15. 论文首先考察了自然情况下川江浅滩的形成机理。

    In this paper the mechanism of shoal formation in the Changjiang River in natural state is investigated at first .

  16. 就川江航运的兴旺给川江流域地区的经济发展带来的影响作初步探讨。

    The economic development of the areas within Chuanjiang valley from the prosperity of the shipping of Chuanjiang is tentatively explored .

  17. 川江河谷带气候特征及发展荔枝龙眼优势条件分析

    Analysis of the characteristics of climate and the future to develop litch and longan in the valley zone of Sichuan Yangtse River

  18. 当川江流量大于2万m3s,两坝间洪水急流滩相继出现,航行条件逐渐变差。

    When the discharge is larger than 20 000 m ~ 3 / s , the torrential flow rapids successively emerge and the navigation conditions become worse .

  19. 长江上游典型区的耕地地力与农业结构调整&以川江流域及其周边地区为例

    Climate-Soil Productivity and Agricultural Structure Adjusting in Several Typical Areas in Upper Reaches of Yangtze River & A Case of Sichuan and Fringe Areas of Yangtze River

  20. 本研究从川江滚装运输的兴起入手,调查研究了滚装运输的发展阶段及其在各个阶段的特征。

    At first , the author investigates the rise and the characters of different the stages of the roll-on roll-off transport in three Gorges of Changjiang River .

  21. 交通部进一步规范川江及三峡库区载货汽车滚装运输市场

    The MOC further regulates the Ro / Ro transportation market of vehicles with cargoes in the Sichuan section of the Yangtze River and the Three Gorges Reservoir areas

  22. 川江弯曲分汊河段卵石浅滩航道整治技术研究船在铺满圆卵石的海滩上搁浅了。

    Regulation Measures and Effect Analysis for the Pebble Shoals of Branching Reach with Bend Shoal in Upper course of Yangtze River The boat grounded on a shingle bank .

  23. 就像她深情演奏的《川江》那样,观众能感受到古代中国人民面对洪害,不畏艰险重建家园的巨大勇气。

    As she played the deeply emotional songchuanjiang , the audience felt the brave courage of the ancient Chinese as they faced the flood and struggled to rebuild their cities .

  24. 建立了能反映非均匀床沙暴露作用及隐蔽作用的计算非均匀沙起动流速的简化模式,通过专门安排的非均匀沙起动流速试验及分析川江野外观测资料,确定了计算公式的系数。

    A simple model used to compute the velocity of threshold motion for each grain size of the non-uniform sediments in consideration of both their expose and shelter actions is established ;

  25. 笔者结合川江驳船队的运输情况,对这一设想作了初步的技术论证和经济论证。

    In combination with the investigation into the transport of barge fleet of the Changjiang River in Sichuan Province , the author mates preliminary technical and economical analysis to this assumption .

  26. 三峡水库已初步形成,随着蓄水位上升,库容加大,川江急流险滩尽行淹没,长江航运效益将日益显著。

    In pace with the water level raising , the storage capacity enlarged , all the torrents and rapids have been submerged , the benefits of the YR has been appeared gradually .

  27. 民生公司创办于川江航运衰落时期,1925年1930年是民生公司企业创业阶段,1930年1937年是初步发展阶段,1937年1945年为壮大阶段。

    The development of Minsheng Corporation ( 1925-1945 ) can be divided into three stages : 1.The period of foundation ( 1925-1930 ) 2.the period of preliminary development ( 1930-1937 ) 3 .

  28. 对有关科研成果和川江通航现状进行了综合分析,阐明了施工河段在三峡工程施工期间的河势变迁及其对相应通航水流条件的影响。

    This paper summarizes the present navigation situation of Chuan River and the research results related , and expounds the river regime change processes in the construction reaches and their influences on navigation conditions .

  29. 在川江及三峡库区推进船型标准化始于2003年8月,而在2004年10月份之前,这项工作由于种种矛盾而搁浅。

    The ship type standardization for the upper Yangtse River and the Three Gorges Reservoir was started in August 2003 , but this project took the ground up to October 2004 due to various conflicts .

  30. 石质汊流滩航道整治水动力数学模型计算与分析川江弯曲分汊河段卵石浅滩航道整治技术研究

    Study on Waterway Regulation of Typical Rocky Rapids in a Branching Channel by Hydrodynamic Model ; Regulation Measures and Effect Analysis for the Pebble Shoals of Branching Reach with Bend Shoal in Upper course of Yangtze River