
  • Rei Kawakubo;Comme des Garcons
  1. 本届时装周上,很多人心目中的偶像、CommedesGarçons创办人川久保玲(ReiKawakubo)在巴黎看望了来自伦敦的年轻设计师、并欣赏其设计作品,让当事人激动不已。

    Comme des Gar ç ons founder Rei Kawakubo , a hero to many , caused palpitations during the week when she visited young London designers in Paris to see their collections .

  2. 旗下73岁的设计师川久保玲(ReiKawakubo)称此系列为18世纪的朋克艺术,“因为18世纪是风起云涌的变革年代。这就是我设想朋克生活在18世纪的模样”。

    The brand 's 73-year-old designer Rei Kawakubo called the collection 18th Century Punk , " because the 18th century was a period of change and revolution . This is how I imagine punks would look like if they had lived in this century . "