
  1. 谢辉的网店经营着大量的比赛商品,从高档品到低劣品,有的很廉价,有的则贵得令人咋舌。

    Xie 's online store is an array of tournament merchandise , ranging from classy to kitschy , and from cheap to cheekily expensive .

  2. 淘宝卖家谢辉(音译)说:比赛结果很可能就决定着我们应该增加哪个国家国旗的库存。

    The results might determine which national flag we should keep more of in stock , said Xie Hui , an online vendor on Taobao . com , a popular customer-to-customer site in China .

  3. 谢辉表示,我们做生意的口号就是:“如果你不能亲临2012欧洲杯比赛现场,在我们的店里,你可以马上感受到这项全球顶级赛事的氛围。

    The mantra , according to Xie , is : if you cannot get to a Euro 2012 game in person , you can now get a flavor of the world 's top competition via my website .