
  • 网络Cecil Chao;Chao Sze-Tsung Cecil
  1. 赵世曾一直未婚,他也是香港社会交际圈和名人杂志的常客。

    A regular on the city 's social circuit and in celebrity magazines , Mr Chao has never been married .

  2. 在得知女儿与交往七年的女友于法国秘密结婚之后,位处香港富豪之列的赵世曾向全天下的男人发出了邀请。

    One of Hong Kong 's richest men , Cecil Chao Sze-tsung , made the offer after his daughter Gigi married her girlfriend of seven years in France .

  3. 而赵世曾对自己理想女婿的描述是这样的:我不介意他是否富有最重要的是善良大方。

    I dont mind whether he is rich or poor the important thing is that he is generous and kind-hearted , he said of the ideal husband for his daughter .