
  1. 当活塞曲柄会使用碳纤材料的时候,所有的机制住屋会是有镁的。

    All mechanism housings would be of magnesium while the piston crank would use carbon fiber material .

  2. XPS分析发现钢对偶面上的Fe向玻纤,碳纤复合材料表面发生转移,并生成Fe2O3。

    Fe on the steel counterface is transfered to the surface of composites , and Fe is turned into Fe 2O 3 .

  3. 同时该机采用了重量轻,强度高的碳纤复合材料和铝合金材料,结构简单可靠。

    Also , the machine adopts light-weight high-strength carbon fiber composite material and aluminum alloys material for simple and credible structure .

  4. 但单向连续碳纤复合材料的纵向电阻率随应力的增加变化不大。

    But the electric resistivity changed little when the tensile stress changed for the resin composites filled with single direction continual carbon fibers .

  5. 指出当前碳纤堆复合材料(CFRP)加固混凝土存在的问题。

    The shortcomings of carbon fibre reinforced polymer ( CFRP ) strengthening concrete was pointed out .

  6. 一种碳纤非织造布材料的研究

    Study of a Nonwoven Fabric of Carbon Fiber