
  • mashup
  • Mix & Match
  1. 在保存完成的混搭之前,应在所有使用关系型更新数据源的source操作符中关闭缓存。

    Just before saving the completed mashup , you should turn off caching in all source operators that use relational update feeds .

  2. 特定的混搭系统组件需要部署到服务器上,就像基于门户的Web应用程序需要门户引擎一样。

    Specific mashup system components need to be deployed on servers , similar to how a portal engine is required for portal-based Web applications .

  3. 她故意把衣服混搭。

    She was deliberately mismatching articles of clothing .

  4. 我喜欢把各种名牌服装混搭在一起。

    I like to mix up designer clothes

  5. 混搭应用程序可以看作是一种特殊的Web应用程序。这有几个原因。

    Mashups can be considered a special genre of Web application for several reasons .

  6. 第一,本文将电信开放能力引入到移动微技平台中,提出一种基于移动微技平台的电信Web业务混搭架构参考模型。

    First , open telecommunication capabilities are imported in Mobile Widget platform to form a telecommunication and Web service Mashup architecture .

  7. 现在helloworld混搭程序可通过某种方式使用Twitter。

    These days the hello world of mashups is to use Twitter in some way .

  8. FOREST是在ROA/WOA/SOA环境里构建“企业混搭”的一个REST模式。

    FOREST is a REST Pattern for building " Enterprise Mashups " in an ROA / WOA / SOA .

  9. 在这个混搭、webAPI和数据项目时代,这是一个重要特性。

    In this age of mash-ups , web APIs , and data projects , that is a valuable characteristic .

  10. 因此,与许多传统Web应用程序的完整页面刷新相比,混搭应用程序能够提供更自然、更快速的用户交互响应。

    As a result , mashups can provide more natural and responsive user interactions than the full-page refresh model of many traditional Web applications .

  11. ECMWidgets是一个基于混搭技术的新型Web2.0应用程序。

    ECM Widgets is a new Web2.0 application based on mashup technology .

  12. IBMiWidget规范定义了一种标准的方式,以在混搭环境之中包含Web内容。

    The IBM iWidget specification defines a standard way to wrap web content for participation in a mashup environment .

  13. DojoXSecureJavaScript框架提高了您构建安全混搭的能力。

    The DojoX Secure JavaScript framework heightens your ability to build secure mashups .

  14. 在本文中,我们将Web应用程序与一种新型的混搭应用程序进行比较,后者通常称为企业情境应用程序,它们服务于商业目的。

    In this article , we compare Web applications with a newer style of mashups , often referred to as enterprise situational applications , that are used for business purposes .

  15. 混搭这个概念并不新鲜,因为业务和Web开发人员在过去10年以来一直使用Web作为平台聚合和集成数据。

    The concept of mashups is not new , as businesses and Web developers have been aggregating and integrating data for the past decade using the Web as a platform .

  16. 混搭允许您使用高级脚本语言,通过回收和重用现有工件来创建新的UI。

    Mashups let you create new UIs by recycling and reusing existing artifacts with high-level scripting languages .

  17. 它对于混搭应用程序或者构建您自己的定制GoogleBuzz界面非常有用。

    It 's great for mashups , or to build your own custom interface to Google Buzz .

  18. 采用基于浏览器的方案来消费企业混搭工具和用户分发的小部件,将SOA投射到整个组织。

    Adopt browser-based approaches to consumption such as enterprise mashups tools and user distributable widgets that project the SOA across the organization .

  19. 基于Mashup混搭技术的网络环境下教学应用研究

    Research and Application of Web-Based Teaching Based on Mashup Technology

  20. 我们可否将使用适配器“混搭(mashup)”新旧应用看作SOA么?

    Can composite applications that " mash-up " the old and the new using adapters be considered SOA ?

  21. 混搭应用程序和Web应用程序的业务逻辑都可以在企业系统上执行,并且可以从企业数据库、公共资源或外部服务获取它们的数据。

    For both mashups and Web applications , business logic can be executed on enterprise systems and data can be retrieved from enterprise databases , public data sources , or external services .

  22. 在IBMMashupCenter的帮助下,终端用户可使用不同的iWidget来创建强大的混搭。

    With the help of IBM Mashup Center , end users can use different iWidgets to create powerful mashups .

  23. 现在已经可以将HTML表单小部件加入场景示例一节中描述的混搭应用程序示例中了。

    You are now ready to incorporate your HTML form widget into the sample mashup application described in the Sample scenario section .

  24. 近年来,混搭和WebAPI为消费者提供了一种简单的、基于GoogleMaps等数据源提供富Internet应用的方法。

    Mashups and Web APIs have offered consumers easy ways of providing Rich Internet Applications that are based upon data sources such as Google Maps for years now .

  25. FOREST是由纯GET或Web轮询用例引申而来的REST模式,包括某些特定类型的混搭,比如feed聚合或筛选器,为其它网页创建摘要的站点,等等。

    FOREST is a REST Pattern derived from GET-only or polling Web use-cases , including certain kinds of mashups for e.g.feed aggregators or filters , sites that create summaries of other Web pages etc.

  26. 出于实践的目的,我们可以跨Java语言和Scala混搭继承,而无需过分担心。

    For all practical purposes , we can mix and match inheritance across both the Java language and Scala without too much concern .

  27. 尽管许多站点提供了API来公开一些数据,但是混搭站点无法扩展以聚集此类Web站点。

    Although many of these sites are providing APIs to expose some of their data , it is not scalable for a mashup site to aggregate many of such Web sites .

  28. 项目团队成员可以创建混搭,包含了使用内容联合技术,例如RSS或者ATOM从各种渠道获取的数据。

    Project team members can create mashups that consume data from disparate sources using content syndication technologies such as RSS or ATOM feeds .

  29. 例如,考虑这样一个供应链管理例子,其中地区运营经理构造了一个Web页面(混搭应用程序),它包含一个天气feed、一个Yahoo!

    For instance , consider a supply chain management example in which a regional operations manager constructs a Web page ( mashup ) containing a weather feed , a Yahoo !

  30. 据我所知与此最相近的是企业混搭标记语言,但FOREST却十分不同:它简单得多,并且是/纯粹/的REST模式。

    Enterprise Mashup Markup Language is the nearest thing to this that I know about , but FOREST is quite different : it is much simpler and is / only / a REST Pattern .