
hùn zi
  • one who fools around in a respectable profession;a quack;a person who unworthy occupies a place among
混子 [hùn zǐ]
  • [a person who unworthy occupies a place among] 旧时指混迹于某一社会阶层或团体而无所事事、游手好闲的人

  • 二混子

混子[hùn zi]
  1. 他是这边有名的混子,经常欺负人。

    He is a well-known hoodlum in this neighborhood , always bullying others .

  2. 怎样才能从一个偶然的设计混子成为游刃有余的设计机器呢?

    How do you go from haphazard doodler to a well-oiled design machine ?

  3. 我建议你在找一个需要供养的妻子前,先考虑一下谋生的题。而且,他的兄弟,也很可能是个混子。

    I advise you to think of earning your living before entangling yourself with a wife whom you will have to support , and , in all probability , her brother also , who appeared to be nothing but a loafer .

  4. 本片讲述了一个资深间谍从街头找回了自己的侄子,此男是一个毫无修养的混子,但在男主角实施了一系列培训之后,侄子变成了一个像绅士一样的超级间谍。

    The film tells the story of a senior spy who find his nephew from the streets . This man is a ill-bred person , but after the actor has implemented a series of training , his nephew became a super spy like a gentleman .