
  • 网络Splash;dabbled
迸溅 [bèng jiàn]
  • [splash] 向四外飞溅

  • 火花迸溅

  1. 火星迸溅。

    Sparks flew in all directions .

  2. 雨滴落下,在窗台上迸溅出一朵朵美丽的水花。

    The raindrops fall , spraying the window sill .

  3. 撞击,撞击,撞击大海啊,在冰凉灰色的岩石上迸溅!

    Break , break , break on thy cold gray stones , o sea !

  4. 哈利·波特,他说,声音很轻,像是一簇嘶嘶迸溅的火焰,大难不死的男孩。

    Harry Potter , he said very softly . His voice might have been part of the spitting fire . The Boy Who Lived .

  5. 为了解决目前便池存在的四大缺点,既费水、不卫生二次污染、迸溅污水、不雅观问题。

    The special water-saving type rapid-flushing urinal solves four defects of existing urinals of water waste , insanitation and secondary pollution , waste water splatter and awkwardness .
