
  • 网络The Second Revolution
  1. 管理学大师彼得·德鲁克(PeterDrucker)认为,知识管理是全球企业管理的第二次革命。

    Peter Drucker , a great master of management study , thinks that knowledge management is the second revolution for global business management .

  2. 就在第二次革命仍然进行之时我们现在又将迫不及待地发起第三次革命

    And while the second revolution is still in progress we simply can 't wait any longer for the third revolution to begin

  3. CAD和CAM正在迅速发展,并将引起制造技术的第二次革命。

    CAD and CAM are developing rapidly and causing a revolution in manufacturing technology .

  4. 1973年,金融学家Black和Scholes,Merton等人进行了这方面的基础理论的研究,得出了现在被称为金融的第二次革命的期权定价公式(Black-Scholes公式)。

    In 1973 , financial professor Black and Scholes , Merton were the basis of this theoretical study , obtained now known as the second revolution in financial option pricing formula ( Black-Scholes formula ) .

  5. 改革是发展的动力,是我国的第二次革命。

    Reformation is the momentum of development and the second revolution of China .

  6. 塑料晶体管制造工艺(上)&半导体工业的第二次革命

    Manufacture Technology of the Plastic Transistor & the Second Revolution in Semiconducting Industry

  7. 这导致了电子工业在二十年中的第二次革命。

    This revolutionized the electronics industry for the second time in two decades .

  8. 改革是中国的第二次革命

    Reform is china 's second revolution

  9. 软件无线电技术的提出,是无线通信技术继数字化后的第二次革命。

    The raising of software radio technology is the second revolution after digitization of the wireless communication technology .

  10. 玻璃熔窑的全氧燃烧技术被称为是玻璃工业的“第二次革命”。

    The technology of oxy-fuel combustion in glass furnace is known as " The Second Revolution " of glass industry .

  11. 但是,随着新的测序技术的到来,基因组学研究正处在第二次革命的开始。

    However , with the advent of new sequencing technologies , genomics research is now at the threshold of a second revolution .

  12. 在未来,在知识经济时代,家庭将通过第二次革命走向其终结阶段。

    The family will walk up to its end through this secondary revolution in the future , the age of the knowledge economy .

  13. 十年前人类基因组的排序掀起了第二次革命的浪潮,现在人类基因组序列已开始阐述疾病的起因。

    The sequencing of the human genome nearly a decade ago set off a second revolution which has started to illuminate the origins of diseases .

  14. 正是两者的这一新的融合,极大提升了预算管理等一系列管理会计方法的应有价值,迎来了会计领域的第二次革命。

    This new amalgamation between them enhances the value of the management accounting method including the budget management and brings the second-revolution of the accounting field .

  15. 将这些变化与传统的家庭进行对照,我们可以明确地感到,家庭的第二次革命已经走向我们,走向人类。

    If we compare these changes with traditional family , we can definitely perceive that the secondary revolution of the family has walked up to us , the human being .

  16. 电视技术在历经了从黑白电视到彩色电视的革命性转变后,也在由模拟电视向数字电视过渡,进行数字化这一更深刻的第二次革命。

    After the revolutionary change from white-and-black television to colour television , television technology has been developing from analog signals to digital signals , which is called the second revolution .

  17. 本文阐述了第二次革命的概念,分析改革成为第二次革命的原因和内容,说明其具有伟大历史意义。

    The paper sets forth the definition of The Second Revolution , analyzing the reasons and contents of reform becoming " The Second Revolution " and states its great historical significances .

  18. 苏联在1929年的第二次革命后,提出宏观调控作为解决办法,知识界都很感兴趣这要如何运作,

    Soviet Russia , after its second revolution of 1929 , offered the solution of state planning and control , and there was great interest among intellectual circles in how it was working .

  19. 20世纪后半叶,西方哲学中发生了语言的转向之后的第二次革命。

    There was a " silent " revolution in Western philosophy in the latter half of the 20th century , which might be called " the second revolution " after the " Linguistic Turn " .

  20. BernsteinResearch伯恩斯坦研究公司在一份市场分析报告和中国消费者资料中,向西方企业提供了几个在“第二次消费者革命”的盈利妙方。

    In a recent report on market dynamics and a profile of the Chinese consumer , Bernstein Research offers several tips to help Western consumer-goods firms profit from the " second consumer revolution " .

  21. 《第二次机器革命》(TheSecondMachineAge)的合著者安德鲁•麦卡菲(AndrewMcAfee)称自己乘坐谷歌(Google)自动驾驶汽车的心路历程是“15分钟内从害怕到兴奋到索然无味”。

    Andrew McAfee , co-author of The Second Machine Age , describes the experience of being transported in one of Google 's self-driving cars as going " from terrifying to thrilling to boring in 15 minutes . "

  22. SPIC广泛的应用前景也被有关专家称为第二次电子革命。

    It was said that the trends of the developing of SPIC would introduce " A second electronic revolution " .

  23. 第二次电子革命与非晶微晶合金的应用

    Scondary Electronic Revolution and The Application of Amorphous and Microcrystalline Alloys

  24. 美国处在第二次绿色革命的边缘。

    America is on the verge of a second green revolution .

  25. 挖掘绿色基因促进第二次绿色革命

    Using the green genes to facilitate the second green revolution

  26. 第二次认知革命与社会建构论的产生

    The Second Cognitive Revolution And The Establishment Of Social Constructionism

  27. 第二次工业革命的完成对美国政治传统的影响

    The Influence of Accomplishment of Second Industrial Revolution on American 's Political Tradition

  28. 论美国第二次产业革命的条件及社会经济影响

    On the Second Industrial Revolution of America and Its Social and Economic Influence

  29. 第二次工业革命以后,人类迈入了电气时代。

    After the second industrial revolution , the age of electricity had come .

  30. 推进东莞市第二次工业革命建设高新技术产业区

    Advance the second industrial revolution and establish High-new Technical Enterprise Zone in Dongguan City