
  • 网络first lap;The First Circle;the first cycle
  1. 他投有使用稳定器就设法完成了第一圈。

    He managed to complete his first lap without stabilisers .

  2. 跑完第一圈之后,领先的是一个新西兰女子。

    The leader after the first lap was a girl from new zealand .

  3. 在第一圈开始的时候。

    And as they head into the first turn .

  4. 尽管赛车很重,但这是我本赛季以来最出色的第一圈。

    Even though the car was heavy , it was one of my best first laps this season .

  5. 去头,去皮,去内脏,去翼,留尾尖,留第一圈,泡药。

    Head off , skinless , tripe off , wings off , first ring on , tip on , treated .

  6. (汽车比赛)汽车比赛的第一圈是为更快做准备。

    ( auto racing ) the first lap of a car race that prepares the cars for a fast start .

  7. 比赛中,第一圈结束后我上升到了第十位,我觉得进行的还顺利。

    During the race , I was able to get10th at the first lap and I felt things were flowing well .

  8. 山地组:3圈,每圈8.5公里,总共25公里,第一圈为冲刺圈。

    Cat MTB : 3 laps , each lap 8.5 km , total 25 km . The 1st lap is a the sprint lap .

  9. 每个有经验的老师都知道要想不让这种学生把你的课堂搅得底朝天,最好的办法就是先发制人&在竞赛中的第一圈,你就必须压倒他们!

    Every respectable and knowledgeable teacher knows that the last thing you want to do is let one of these kids turn your classroom upside down .

  10. 中在短道速滑女子500米决赛中,中国选手李坚柔在顺利完成第一圈后就已经注定夺冠了。

    All Li Jianrou of China had to do to win the women 's 500-meter skating short-track final , in the end , was survive the first lap .

  11. 最艰苦的事情就是早上的练习赛,在我的第一圈就遇到了变速箱问题,所以我不得不停下。

    The hard thing was that in the morning practice , right on my first lap , I had a problem with the gearbox and I had to stop .

  12. 新结构在第一圈空气孔的中间插入六个附加小孔,使得光子晶体光纤有更小的有效模场面积,提高了光纤的非线性。

    The new structure introduces six additional smaller holes between the holes of the first ring to reduce the effective area , and increase the nonlinearity of the fiber .

  13. 在第一圈以最安全的速度驶过一圈,并将赛道信息保存下来,第二圈根据保存下来的信息进行车速和转角决策的相应最优化,从而在第二圈取得更好的成绩。

    On the safest speed to go foward in the first lap , and save the track of information . In the second round to achieve better results according to the saved information .

  14. 人们把太多留意力放在第二圈而没有留意到实在他们的整个身体在第一圈旋转时已经失去平衡,节拍和弹性。

    People think too much about the second turn and they do not notice that they already lose balance , get out of rhythm and tense their whole bodies during the first turn .

  15. 第一圈额外形成层产生于次生韧皮部外侧的薄壁组织细胞和射线细胞,以后的每一圈由前一圈向外衍生的薄壁组织细胞产生。

    The first ring of extra cambium developed from parenchymatous and ray cells outside the secondary phloem and each following ring of extra cambium developed from parenchymatous cells deriving from its previous ring of extra cambium .

  16. 这也许不是一场经典的比赛,几乎没有超车,但是第一圈非常精彩,在巴西人挡住他尝试的超越之前阿隆索如此紧逼前面的马萨。

    This may not have been a classic race , with little overtaking , but the opening lap was entertaining as Alonso so nearly squeezed ahead of Massa before the Brazilian discouraged his attempt to pass .

  17. 我喜欢这个,但我更喜欢排位赛的空油,你就撒开腿跑啊&比起步后的第一圈更有盼头。

    I like it , but I like it better the fact that qualifying is going to be zero fuel and then you just drive flat out – more than the expectations about the first lap after the start .

  18. 方法:对105个动脉瘤的3DDSA与2DDSA图像进行比较,分析动脉瘤的形状、瘤颈的显示、血管内治疗的可行性、血管内治疗的工作角度及第一枚弹簧圈大小的选择。

    Methods : In105 aneurysms , aneurysm shape , aneurysm neck , the feasibility of endovascular treatment and the selection of the first coil were analyzed at2D DSA and3D DSA .

  19. PVDF纤维还具有较高的弹性模量(2.08GPa)和弹性回复率,在伸长50%时第一个回复圈的弹性回复率为91.4%。

    PVDF fibers also had higher initial modulus ( 2.08 GPa ) and elastic recovery , which was 91.4 % from 50 % extension on the first cycle .

  20. 为计入离子电荷对流体混合物Helmholtz自由能的影响,作者考虑了位于中性分子的第一配位圈中离子的电荷与此分子的诱导偶极和偶极的相互作用。

    The influence of ion charge on the Helmholtz energy of fluid mixtures was taken into account by considering the interactions between the charge of ions located in the first coordination shell and the dipole or induced dipole of the central solute molecule .

  21. 我的第一个多纳圈就是在这里吃的。

    I had my first donut when I was here .

  22. 特别是长江三角洲地区,现在已成为我国经济实力排名第一的经济圈。

    Especially in the Yangtze River Delta , it has been the first economic circle in China .

  23. 第一、二圈的所有结构竞争力元素围绕业务结构竞争力,提供决策、人才、信息、技术等多方面支撑。

    All structural competitive elements in the first and second circle are centered around business structural competitiveness , providing support in decision-making , talents , information and technology .

  24. 文中第一部分通过气圈力学分析,求得倍捻锭气圈预端张力参数T0/ρω2R2的近似解。

    In the first part of the paper , the non-dimensional tension parameter T0 / ρω 2R2 is found by an approximate dynamic analysis of the two-for-one twisting balloon .

  25. 第一部分,都市圈的基本理论。

    This paper consists of six parts : The first part deals with the basal theory about Metropolitan Area .

  26. 第一章对旅游圈理论进行了较为深入的研究,进一步丰富、完善了旅游圈理论。

    The first chapter studies more deeply the theory of tourism circle and enriches the theory of tourism circle .

  27. 第一章理清首都圈的概念和性质,探究其发展的历史背景。

    Chapter one talked about the concept and nature of the Seoul metropolitan area , and explored the historical background of its development .

  28. 对四川省金堂县生态旅游资源的统计分析和评价表明,该地区属第一类生态旅游圈,生态旅游资源极富异趣。

    Through the statistical analysis and appraising to the ecological tourist resources of Jintang County in Sichuan Province , this paper indicated that the area belonged to the first type of eco-tourist circle , the ecological tourist resources were extremely rich and different interesting .