
  • 网络a second chance
  1. 当然,美国人理想中的第二次机会不应该只留给富人和强权者。

    Surely , the American ideal of second chances should not be reserved only for the rich and powerful .

  2. 相反,我们应该认识到,在美国庞大的刑事司法体系中,第二次机会至关重要。

    Rather , it is to recognize that in America 's vast criminal justice system , second chances are crucial .

  3. 他们渴望能得到第二次机会。

    They were eager for a second bite of the cherry .

  4. 毕竟这个孩子是他的亲骨肉,应该给他第二次机会。

    The kid , after all , was his own flesh and blood . He deserved a second chance .

  5. 你听过"你永远不会有第二次机会给人留下第一印象"这句话吗?

    Have you ever heard the phrase " You never get a second chance to make a first impression ? "

  6. 企业家同艾米·柯西克(AmyChozick)畅谈飞机、太空飞船、潜水艇和第二次机会。

    The entrepreneur talks to Amy Chozick about airplanes , spaceships , submarines and second chances .

  7. 但是我们要感谢Beth那样的人,他们给了节目第二次机会。

    But thanks to people like Beth , who gave the show a second chance .

  8. 别太期望第二次机会,Harold。

    Second chances are overrated , Harold .

  9. 这部音乐录影带,由LadyGaga自己导演,讲述的是一个女孩想要成为明星然后得到生命的第二次机会的故事。

    The video which Lady Gaga directed herself tells the story of a girl who is determined to be star and gets a second chance at life .

  10. 他说,他希望给予Coulson第二次机会。

    He says he wanted to give Mr. Coulson a " second chance . "

  11. 但相形之下,任何没有通过傲慢测试的CEO都不应该被给予第二次机会,因为他造成的破坏已经不可收拾,难以弥补。

    By contrast , any CEO who fails the hubris test should not be allowed a second chance , since there is no easy way of fixing a condition that has got so advanced .

  12. 他称巴德是“第二次机会”。马文·平卡罗(MarvinPinkrah)是从较差的高中转校过来的,但他在加纳的早期基础很扎实。

    He calls Bard " a second chance . " Marvin Pinkrah transferred from a low-performing high school but had strong early preparation in Ghana .

  13. 姚明说话很谨慎,他避免将国外球星到CBA打球这种现象说成一件坏事。他尤为称赞马布里,认为他把握住了在中国得到的第二次机会。

    Yao was careful to avoid portraying the presence of foreign stars in the CBA as a bad thing , and he lauded Marbury in particular for embracing the second chance he was given in China .

  14. 如果能在峰会上达成一致(这样想或许很愚蠢),当前的做法应该会为欧元提供第二次机会:如果它为欧洲央行(ECB)果断干预市场提供掩护,就更会如此。

    Assuming ( perhaps foolishly ) agreement at the summit , the present approach should secure a second chance for the euro : the more so if it provides cover for decisive intervention in the markets by the European Central Bank .

  15. 但在年底之前,投资者给了该行业第二次机会:partygaming发布了一条乐观的经营信息,使得该公司股价回升至发行价水平。

    But by the end of the year investors gave the sector a second chance after PartyGaming released a bullish trading update that restored the share price to listing levels .

  16. 现在,Fred,密苏里州还没有采取行动。但是几个月之内,各州将有第二次机会申请这笔资金,现在,他们表示,他们已经针对卡萨斯城的这个学区采取了行动,这应该有所帮助。

    Now , Fred , Missouri did not make the cut so far , but states are going to get a second chance to apply for this money in a couple of months , and now , they said that they have taken that one particular school district there in Kansas City , it just might help .

  17. 我们的工作界限是从不选择第二次机会。

    We never get second chances in our line of work .

  18. 或许你会得到第二次机会的。

    Maybe you 'll get a chance for a second serve .

  19. 他们说要给我第二次机会

    They told me they were giving me a second chance .

  20. 这也是一个快速的第二次机会得到它的权利。

    This is also a quick second chance to get it right .

  21. 下一次,我们将不再有第二次机会。

    Next time , there will be no second chance .

  22. 你永远不会有第二次机会再造第一印象。

    You never get a second chance to make a first impression .

  23. 在给一个人第二次机会的时候你应该仔细考虑。

    You should think carefully before giving a person a second chance .

  24. 你知道,我相信应该给第二次机会的。

    You know , I do believe in second chances .

  25. 我深信她一定给了他第二次机会。

    I convinced her that he deserved a second chance .

  26. 我希望你会有第二次机会。

    I want to see you get your second chance .

  27. 给人们第二次机会,你就会很伟大!

    You 're big on giving people a second chance !

  28. 我们已决定给予你第二次机会

    We 've decided to give you a second chance .

  29. 不会有人给我们第二次机会。

    No one 's gonna cut us a second chance .

  30. 没有第二次机会从来的。

    There is not a second chance for you to begin over .