
yōu yù
  • melancholy;blues;gloom;dejected;doldrums;cloud;heavyhearted;as melancholy as a cat
忧郁 [yōu yù]
  • [as melancholy as a cat;heavyhearted;dejected] 忧伤郁结;忧虑烦闷

忧郁[yōu yù]
  1. 将军神情忧郁地望着队列经过。

    The general watched the process with an air of melancholy .

  2. 忧郁的性格和对男人的不信任使她裹足不前。

    Melancholy and mistrust of men hold her back .

  3. 保罗当时心情忧郁。

    Paul was in a sombre mood .

  4. 他忧郁地盯着火光。

    He stared moodily into the fire .

  5. 裁员消息宣布时办公室里一片忧郁和沮丧的气氛。

    There was a feeling of gloom and depression in the office when the news of the job cuts was announced .

  6. 他们碰见她独自一人神色忧郁地走在海滩上。

    They found her walking alone and depressed on the beach

  7. 他最初面对媒体时情绪有点忧郁。

    He faced the press , initially , in a somewhat subdued mood

  8. 她吻了吻他,久久凝视着他乌黑忧郁的双眼。

    She kissed him and gazed into his dark , brooding eyes .

  9. 那个女孩是他的幻觉,是他那忧郁不安的头脑妄想出来的。

    The girl was a mirage , cast up by his troubled mind

  10. 他站在窗前,忧郁地凝视着外面。

    He stood at the window , moodily staring out

  11. 她面色苍白、忧郁孤僻,并且沉默寡言。

    She was morose , pale , and reticent .

  12. 他笑容忧郁地凝视着我,闪亮的眼睛里空无一物。

    He fixed me with those luminous , empty eyes and his melancholy smile .

  13. 他是一个腼腆的人,有时候还很忧郁。

    He was a shy , sometimes unhappy man

  14. 艾丽斯透过湿漉漉的玻璃神情忧郁地凝视着窗外。

    Alice gazed pensively through the wet glass

  15. 她有时会陷入忧郁之中。

    She 'd sometimes sink into depression

  16. 让人们意识到抑郁症不仅仅是心情忧郁,这点似乎很重要。

    It seems important to sensitize people to the fact that depression is more than the blues

  17. 他陷入了深深的忧郁之中。

    He sank into deep melancholia .

  18. 他因忧郁[恐怖]而发呆。

    He is stupefied with grief [ terror ] .

  19. 在那些天里,她心情忧郁。

    She has been in the blues these days .

  20. 紧接着是忧郁的女低音,谁都禁不住直打寒战。

    With the gloom of the contraltos added , one could scarcely help shuddering .

  21. 为什么你看上去这么忧郁?

    Why are you looking so lugubrious ?

  22. 我们常常无缘无故地感到忧郁,于是时而就抱怨起天气来。

    There 's often no reason for feeling blue , so we sometimes blame it on the weather .

  23. 可不就是她吗!面庞比在肯特基故乡时苍白消瘦,无限忧郁隐藏在她眉宇之间。

    There she is , paler and thinner than in her Kentucky home , with a world of quiet sorrow lying under the shadow of her long eyelashes .

  24. 因此,人们可以从渴望给人留下印象的角度介绍拿破仑,或者从孤独忧郁的角度介绍丘吉尔。

    One could therefore present Napoleon in terms of his desire to impress or Churchill in terms of his lonely melancholy .

  25. 史蒂夫称之为"忧郁之花"。

    Steve called it " Melancholy Flower " .

  26. 2016年,俄勒冈州圣诞演唱会开始前的几个月里,内奥米告诉导演她有一个特别的想法:"忧郁之花"

    In the months leading up to the 2016 Oregon Repertory Singers Christmas concert , Naomi told the director she had a special one in mind : " Melancholy Flower "

  27. 他们歇斯底里,他们哭泣,他们精神忧郁

    They have hysterics , they weep , they have the vapors .

  28. 他面容忧郁。

    He had a somber expression on his face .

  29. 她说话时两只忧郁的眼睛呆呆地望着他的带笑的脸

    Her melancholy eyes avidly scanned his smiling face .

  30. 她就在那里,穿着灰色的衣服,漂亮的脸上显得严肃而忧郁

    There she was , grey-suited , sweet-faced , demure , but scowling .