
  1. 要重视学生的气质差异对其人格和学业成就的影响。

    It is important to pay attention to the influences of temperamental differences on personality and learning achievement .

  2. 针对湖南高师体育专业女生气质差异优化教学方法的研究

    The Research of Student Temperament Discrepancy and Optimization Gymnastic Teaching Method Aim at Hunan University Sport Professional Schoolgirl

  3. 不同年龄组间活动水平、反应强度、注意分散和反应阈四个气质维度差异有显著性(P<0.05)。

    Activity level , intensity of reaction , attention span and threshold of reaction were significantly differences among different of age group .

  4. 父母对儿童气质判断的差异性分析【目的】为了探讨婴幼儿哮喘与气质等因素的关系。

    Difference of Parents Judgement of Temperament of their Children To observe the relationship of infant asthma and their temperament .

  5. 我们可能了解,由于气质上的差异,一个胆汁质的老师可能是精力充沛的,但同时也会有些性急暴躁,容易激怒;

    We may know that , due to temperament , a choleric teacher may be energetic , but also quick-tempered and easily angered .

  6. 目的探讨中美儿童气质的跨文化差异。

    Objective To study the cross-culture differences in temperament between Chinese and American children .

  7. 在史前艺术的萌芽时期,在北方的黄河流域和南方的长江流域母土里孕育起来的艺术事象,就明显地存在着风格和气质上的南北差异。

    In the prehistoric art germination period , the artistic phenomenon which breeds in the north Huanghe River valley and the south Yangtze valley female earth , obviously has in the style and the makings north and south difference .

  8. 揭示了不同学校、不同性别、不同气质类型之间的差异,并对这些差异做出解释并提出应对策略,对以后的声乐学习者、演唱者和教育者有着重要理论参考意义。

    We revealed the differences among the different schools , different genders and different temperament types , and made the interpretation of the differences , and finally put forward our coping strategies , which will be of important theoretical reference value for the vocal learners , artists and educators .

  9. 提示气质特点大约从7岁左右开始更加稳定起来。结论:儿童气质的性别差异随年龄增长而逐渐显现,高年龄组中差异显著的维度较低年龄组多。

    Tip temperament from about 7 years old around more stable . Conclusions : children with age and gender difference of temperament to become clear , high significance of difference in the age group of dimension lower age groups .