
  • 网络Tolstoyism
  1. 托尔斯泰主义与中国的宗教思想

    Tolstoyism and the Chinese Religious Thought

  2. 托尔斯泰主义是托尔斯泰对生命、生活进行深刻思考和体悟后为人生努力方向寻找的精神路标。

    Tolstoyism is the signpost Tolstoy found for the life struggle after he profoundly thought over and experienced the life .

  3. 布宁是一位深受世界文化影响的作家,曾迷恋过托尔斯泰主义,也曾数次探寻过东方文化的奥秘。

    Bunin is affected by the writers of world culture , not only by the doctrine of Tolstoy , also explore the mysteries of oriental culture .

  4. 托尔斯泰主义的实质与意义,就是要在传统价值分崩离析的世纪交替时期,建立起人与人之间的道德秩序,在人与动物之间,立起人的骄傲。

    The essence and significance of Tolstoyism was to establish moral order among people and " the pride of man " between the man and the beast at the turn of the century when traditional values broke up .

  5. 东方文化恶魔的人道&鲁迅与托尔斯泰人道主义思想比较

    The Humanity of the " Oriental Cultural Devils " & A Comparison between Lu Xun Leo Tolstoy of the ideology of humanitarianism

  6. 托尔斯泰的人道主义立足于用宗教精神“净化”心灵,存在落后和萎靡的倾向。

    Leo Tolstoy 's was based on the religious purification of soul , which appeared somewhat backward and weak-willed .

  7. 论托尔斯泰的泛现实主义化创作及其得失

    On Tolstoy 's Pan-Realistic Creation , Success and Failure