
  • 网络TOD'S;tod;tod s;Tod''s
  1. 纽约喷泉医疗集团的所有人托德o斯克里夫斯滕告诉《男士杂志》,注射肉毒杆菌的男士多为“关注自身健康的中年白领”,他们不仅希望看起来更年轻,也希望自己的外貌更有活力。

    Todd Schlifstein , owner of Fountain Medical Group in New York City , told Men 's Journal that the men coming in for Botox are " middle-aged , health-conscious , white-collar guys " who want to look not just younger , but fresher .

  2. 巴菲特承认,最近几年他的表现不如自己亲自挑选的继任者托德•库姆斯和泰德•威施勒。

    Buffett has acknowledged that his hand picked successors Todd Combs and Ted Weschler , have done better in recent years than he has .