
tuō ér suǒ
  • nursery;creche;child-care centre
托儿所 [tuō ér suǒ]
  • [nursery;creche] 用于照顾和培养婴幼儿的地方;公共场所中因父母不在而由受过训练的服务人员临时照顾孩子们的房间或地方

托儿所[tuō ér suǒ]
  1. 她最小的孩子现在上托儿所。

    Her youngest child is at nursery now .

  2. 托儿所明亮宜人,还有许多玩具。

    The nursery is bright and cheerful , with plenty of toys .

  3. 这家托儿所能照料29个孩子。

    This nursery will be able to cater for 29 children

  4. 社会福利部门也有责任对托儿所进行管理。

    Social services also have responsibility for the regulation of nurseries

  5. 并不是所有的托儿所都能抓住他们面临的机会。

    Not all nursery schools make use of the opportunities open to them .

  6. 连本地托儿所每星期都要收费100英镑。

    Even local nurseries charge £ 100 a week

  7. 她的公司开办了内部的托儿所。

    Her company ran its own workplace nursery .

  8. 孩子进了托儿所,省了我很多心。

    Having the child in kindergarten saves me a lot of worry .

  9. 他开了一家托儿所。

    He opened a nursery .

  10. 她刚离开我家门口,我就收到两个女人的电子邮件,她们的孩子跟我儿子在同一家托儿所,她们认得我。

    No sooner did she leave my doorstep than I had emails from two women whose kids go to my son 's nursery and who recognized my face .

  11. 他们已决定要在工厂里开办一个托儿所。

    They have decided to start up a nursery in the factory .

  12. 举例来说,伦敦罗纹丝带托儿所咖啡馆在2011年获得一星,

    For example , Petersham Nurseries Cafe in London got a star in 2011 ,

  13. 两岁以下婴幼儿的托儿所

    a nursery for infants under two

  14. 让孩子进入合适的托儿所,对于他们将来进入哈佛(harvard)或剑桥之流的学府至关重要。

    It is vital to get a child into the right nursery school that will get them into Harvard or Cambridge or wherever .

  15. 在每个柱子的顶端,明亮的年轻恒星发出的强辐射使低浓度的物质沸腾离开该恒星托儿所,从而将EGGs暴露出来。

    At each pillars'end , the intense radiation of bright young stars causes low density material to boil away , leaving stellar nurseries of dense EGGs exposed .

  16. 调优分代垃圾收集时,最简单的方法是将托儿所空间视为非分代垃圾收集使用的Java堆区域之外的新Java堆区域。

    When tuning for generational garbage collection , the simplest approach is to treat the nursery space as a new Java heap area , in addition to the Java heap area used in the non-generational case .

  17. 本文对上海市托儿所2~3岁儿童作含单氟磷酸钠和氟化钠的双氟牙膏的临床防龋效果研究。实验对象分为3组:第l组为实验组,用双氟牙膏刷牙;

    Anti-caries effect of dentifrice containing sodium monofluorophosphate and sodium fluoride was studied among 2-3 years OLD nursery children .

  18. 周末托儿所不开,你要是再不要Mccluskey我们可就没辙了。

    There 's no day care on the weekends , so you cut McCluskey loose , we 're stuck .

  19. 香港政府周四下令所有托儿所、幼儿园和小学关闭两周,此前一所学校有十几名学生被确诊为甲型H1N1流感。

    In Hong Kong , the government on Thursday ordered the closure of all nurseries , kindergartens and primary schools for two weeks after a dozen students at one school tested positive for swine flu .

  20. Xmn设置托儿所区域的初始和最大大小,有效地设置-Xmns和-Xmnx。

    Xmn sets the initial and maximum size of the nursery , effectively setting both-Xmns and-Xmnx .

  21. 梅森现在已是3个孩子的母亲,她从事过许多不同的职业:救助工作者、作家、咨询顾问以及企业家她是brighthorizons的联席创始人,该公司管理着全球逾600家工作场所托儿所。

    A mother of three , Ms Mason has had a varied career as a relief worker , author , consultant , and entrepreneur she is the co-founder of bright horizons , which operates more than 600 workplace childcare centres round the world .

  22. 与MiniCountryman相比,菲亚特500L颠簸起来就像托儿所的摇摆木马一样,正如我前面所提到的,菲亚特的六速手动变速箱就是一团糟。

    Compared with the Mini , the 500L is sprung like a nursery 's rocking horse and , as I mentioned , the Fiat 's six-speed manual gearbox is a shambles .

  23. Xmnx将托儿所区域的最大大小设置为指定的值。

    Xmnx sets the maximum size of the nursery to the specified value .

  24. 此外,WDF还建立了三个托儿所,提供了缝纫机、自行车和水泵,以帮助人们重新开始农业活动。

    In addition , WDF set up three day care centers , provided sewing machines , bicycles and water pumps to help people resume agricultural activity .

  25. 对四所托儿所245名6~30月龄婴幼儿进行了铁营养状况及缺铁性贫血(IDA)主要影响因素调查研究。

    A survey was carried out in four nurseries in Shanghai to determine the prevalence and etiology of iron deficiency anemia ( IDA ) among 254 infants , 139 boys and 128 girls aged 6 to 30 months .

  26. 其中包括:员工在家照料新生婴儿前三个月的外卖食物津贴;一对一咨询,帮助员工寻找托儿所;保姆中介服务的折扣价和全美各地BrightHorizons儿童保育中心的优先入学权。

    Among them : a stipend for takeout meals during the first three months parents are home with a new baby , one-on-one consultations to help parents in their child care search , discounts for nanny placement services and priority access at Bright Horizons child care centers across the country .

  27. SylvanaCote:“我们在论文中提出,当孩子开始学习读写的时候缺课比因病不能去托儿所对未来的学习轨道造成的问题更大。”

    SYLVANA COTE : " We argue in the paper that missing school when you 're starting to learn to read or when you learn to write may be more problematic for the future academic trajectory than missing day care days . "

  28. 我得赶紧送小红上托儿所。

    I must hurry and take Xiao Hong to the nursery .

  29. 住在远处的孩子们不能进游戏托儿所。

    Children living in remote places cannot get to the playgroup .

  30. 她把孩子交给托儿所照管。

    She resign her children to the care of the nursery .